Example sentences of "[coord] that she [vb mod] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Myanma 's military-dominated regime , however , which had refused to implement the results of the May 1990 general election won by the NLD , made it clear that Suu Kyi was regarded as a troublemaker and that she would remain under house arrest ; she had refused to renounce political involvement and go into exile .
2 Two-Dogs said the One-Eyed White Girl would have steel in her muscles and fire in her empty eye , and that she would come to the Navaho — to the family of Armijas — or her education .
3 Richard was still not allowed to speak — he was not recovering quite so fast as had been expected — and he could make little reply when Laura told him that this was exactly the kind of thing she had expected all along , and that she would see about disposing of Lord Jim immediately .
4 At last the party broke up when Felicity announced that her spine felt as though it were about to collapse and that she must go to bed .
5 ‘ I have a document from the orphanage which says I am responsible for Natasha while she is in England and that she will return to Sarajevo for the school term , or when the war ends .
6 Mrs Falconer , a senior lecturer in textiles , has been told there is funding for only one textile lecturer in the school , but that she could remain on the staff if she accepted demotion to ordinary lecturer — a post already held by her sister , Barbara Diack .
7 I want to assure him Crevecoeur is in no danger , but that SHe must return to Club Eleusis . ’
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