Example sentences of "[coord] that it be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , it is compatible with the results of all actual and possible measurements to hold either that the universe is of a fixed size or that it is expanding at a constant rate .
2 Therefore one would have to say either that the power elite is a mere statistical phenomenon , a category , an aggregate of disparate individuals who happen to share some socially relevant resources , or that it is united by its objective interest .
3 Neither is it a defence to claim that best practicable means have been taken to abate or prevent the odour complained of from arising , or that it is emitted during the exercise of a business or trade in a reasonable or proper manner .
4 I do not believe that what we have heard today represents a settled statement of policy , or that it is founded upon solid conviction .
5 They denied that TM was addictive or produced ‘ spiritual trips ’ , or that it was viewed as a way of saving themselves by their own efforts .
6 It is n't just that the repertory is far-removed from that of the harp 's romantic territory — and , to the best of my recollection , of a kind last explored ( more conservatively and on a modern instrument ) in an entire disc by Zabaleta ( Archiv ) over 20 years ago , nor that it is played on two pedal-less early harps , it 's the spirit with and in which it is executed .
7 No proof is available that the incident was designed to produce such a backlash nor that it was masterminded by an element within the government 's undercover set-up .
8 ‘ You were saying that he has written a wonderful book — and that it 's going to be published ? ’
9 The thing to do , Bob , is to face up to the fact right from the beginning that it 's going to be something Victorian or Edwardian , and that it 's going to be in some slightly less fashionable postal district . ’
10 We still believe that there 's going to be a kingdom over in Israel and that David Koresh is going to come back and be the head of that kingdom and that it 's going to be a peaceful place as prophecized in the Bible .
11 Evidence suggests that , on the contrary , grazing pressure is evenly spread throughout the area exploited , that area is related in size to the size of the nest and that it is defended against competing leaf-cutting ants and that a wide range of plant species is exploited .
12 The investigators have put forward a theory suggesting that the gross organisation of human action is carried out by different parts of the mind from the fine detailed planning and control of behaviour , and that it is governed by emotional factors to a much greater extent than people had realised .
13 I believe that this trend will spread and that it is based on very sound educational grounds .
14 We are told that federalism means different things to different people , that it is a benign arrangement which does not centralise but pushes power downwards to the people and the regions and that it is based on subsidiarity .
15 THERE have been a number of articles and letters published recently about North-East drift-net fishery for salmon , which suggest that the Government 's proposal to phase out this fishery is unreasonable and that it is based on political expediency under pressure from owners of rod fisheries .
16 What apparently made all the difference to the price was that the clock came from a historic house , Cassiobury Park , and that it is illustrated in an important book on the craftsman — Thomas Tompion , His Life and Work by R W Symonds .
17 It says it expects to offer a wireless electronic messaging service by the end of the year , and that it is aiming for beta testing during the summer .
18 But it appears to me that , on the face of this document , there is no intention shown so to limit its effect , and that it is framed in the widest possible terms so as to cover , not only this particular debt , but all other claims by the bank in connection with the Professional and Trades Papers Ltd. , for it is admitted that the foundation of the judgment was the guarantee , and at the time this document was drawn up there was this joint liability on the judgment to the extent of £6,000 .
19 So far in this chapter , we have examined three explanations of unemployment : that it is caused by ‘ natural ’ factors , that it is caused by a general deficiency of aggregate demand and that it is caused by excessive labour costs .
20 One or two of the hotel 's regular visitors and local residents who use the hotel frequently have told Winter privately that they think it is a mistake and that it is leading to friction and a lowering of standards .
21 These results support the concept that platelet activating factor is capable of inducing pancreatitis similar to that observed after infusion of caerulein and that it is mediated by specific platelet activating factor receptors .
22 I believe that God 's forgiveness is one of the most blessed and therapeutic experiences and that it is offered to all who seek it …
23 I therefore think that [ the ] motion is out of place at this time and that it is proposed for a certain purpose .
24 Ford says the electronics content in automobiles will double over the next decade , and that it is working with Motorola on future generations of PowerPC microcontrollers , including embedded controllers for engine management .
25 I think that this psychological change is in accordance with social developments and that it is accompanied by an increasing tendency of women towards masculinity .
26 Kappeller argues that pornography should be analysed as representation , and that it is degrading to women .
27 The look of the covers is central to the consistency of the brand name , ensuring that each volume conforms to expectations and that it is concocted to the same recipe .
28 Digital Equipment Corp says that its Alpha second source agreement with Mitsubishi Electric Corp is not an exclusive pact and that it is talking with other firms that may become second sources of the chip ; ‘ We are not looking for a large number of semiconductor partners , however we are having discussions with other semiconductor companies ; those relationships could happen at various levels , ’ — DEC may still seek other firms to design versions without the marketing that Mitsubishi is providing .
29 The Left believed , and there is little evidence to the contrary even after 30 years of " revisionist " history , that the National government was willing to make concessions out of all proportion to those necessary and that it was supported by influential people who were quite willing to see Hitler at war with the Soviet Union .
30 At the same time a large majority of voters thought that the press was biased , and that it was biased towards the Conservatives , against Labour , and against the Alliance .
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