Example sentences of "[coord] that it [was/were] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I would stake my life on it , ’ will not be able to claim either that it was a mere trader 's puff or that it was a mere statement of opinion .
2 Bromley London Borough Council sought certiorari to quash the supplementary rate , arguing that it was either beyond the powers of the G.L.C. under the 1969 Act , or that it was an invalid exercise of discretion under that legislation .
3 When the trucks paused while negotiating a particularly tricky turn , and Rain recognized where they were and that it was a good place to be , they climbed out and took a short route out of the old town and back to the hotel .
4 The hon. Member for Dartford — who , as ever , was frank — did not speak any honeyed words about the inspectorate but said that it had been captured by the left in the 1960s and remained captured , and that it was a self-perpetuating oligarchy .
5 In their petition , the Gascon clergy and nobility reminded Edward that his predecessors as ‘ lords ’ ( domini ) of Aquitaine , and their seneschals , had made full use of this assembly and that it was a valuable weapon in his armoury against the pretensions of the king of France and his officers .
6 When in 1952 Michael Ventris announced he had succeeded in deciphering Linear B and that it was an archaic form of Greek , howls of indignant refutation were raised by the fraternity of linguistic experts as a matter of course , and when , with that beautiful sense of timing which nemesis has , a whole library of Linear B tablets was unearthed in Pylos on the Greek mainland one year later , translations of which confirmed Ventris 's conclusion , the experts did the only thing they could under the circumstances : they accused the discoverer and Ventris of having forged them .
7 He said that when he was very young , he 'd made up his mind to marry her , but that it was a crazy idea and he 'd been stupid ever to think of it and Alice had been quite right when she told him so . ’
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