Example sentences of "[coord] i be [adj] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 I found the article very interesting , & I was glad to be reminded of the pictures .
2 And she said : ‘ I love the life and I am proud to be the first woman to join . ’
3 If it is crystal clear and I am convicted of being in my dotage or of going on at half-cock then I shall ask British Telecom to accept my apologies wince at the thought of my next bill , and keep my nose clean .
4 I am grateful to my hon. Friend and I am pleased to be in a position to answer his question .
5 ‘ It 's a business move and I am sorry to be leaving French rugby as it has been going well , ’ said Andrew .
6 It is a lovely play and I am sorry to be leaving , but this is a very strenuous role , and what I am doing is perfectly normal .
7 However , the major problem , and you Ma'am have already touched upon this as well as the Chairman and I am sorry to be repetitive but we do serve all yachtsmen , two and a half to three million of them whilst being financially supported by only sixty five thousand of them .
8 ‘ But I do not believe you — and I am unlikely to be won over by repetition .
9 ‘ I have always been tested before or after competition and I am prepared to be tested any time by the IAAF . ’
10 The doctor is the top man in his field and I am happy to be in his hands . ’
11 And I am glad to be here , ’ Florence Ames said , ‘ so we must enjoy ourselves . ’
12 She recently wrote to me and I am glad to be able to respond more fully now than was possible in correspondence .
13 And I 'm proud to be a European and believe in Europe as well as accepting the realities .
14 Let me tell you , I do n't want anyone making excuses for me , I 'm proud to be a trade unionist and I 'm proud to be a Socialist .
15 The last time I had an office job was in 1986 — it was a disaster , and I 'm pleased to be able to say that I have n't done a day 's work since .
16 I think she 's just wonderful and I 'm delighted to be a dad . ’
17 And I 'm delighted to be here .
18 They are not in the least bit discerning and I 'm glad to be hearing about it second-hand .
19 And it covers everything but as far as I know , and I 'm willing to be corrected
20 ‘ I do rather a lot of amateur acting , you know , and I 'm supposed to be rather good at accents . ’
21 I 've just started doing all this and I 'm supposed to be doing section H.
22 ‘ But I love you — and I 'm happy to be liked , if that 's all you feel for me . ’
23 ‘ But he seems to have a lot of good ideas aimed at taking Forest back to the Premier League and I 'm happy to be part of that . ’
24 I 've missed my family and I 'm happy to be back .
25 Lord Christopher and I were supposed to be going on weekend leave to Paris . ’
26 Chamberlain and I were inclined to be impatient when we saw him so reluctant to take the only course which seemed to us possible . ’
27 I understand that the pilot schemes have proved effective and I was delighted to be told in answer to a parliamentary question this week that other pilot schemes elsewhere in the country will be launched .
28 I will be launching the birthday year in January when I hope that among other things , we might succeed in gaining recognition for Eglantine Jebb and our many achievements for children and I was delighted to be asked to chair the birthday advisory group and to be closely involved with activities during nineteen ninety four .
29 He was a dear , lively little man with the bluest of blue eyes who had himself became a fanatical Anglophile , devoting his life until well into his eighties to the furtherance of Anglo-German relations ; and I was proud to be asked to give one of the brief tributes to him at his memorial service at the German Embassy .
30 And I was proud to be the " vitnery " and part of the life of the town .
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