Example sentences of "[coord] i [be] [adj] [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 I have been banging on about South German wheat beers for years , and I am delighted to see that they are becoming more easily available in Britain .
2 I learnt about magic bullets as an undergraduate in Australia in 1984 and I am impressed to think that I am in the company of their pioneer .
3 In four years I fostered one ! and I am proud to say that Fr Liam Durrant , our present Vocations Director , came through my hands — should he be successful , would that make me a grandfather ? !
4 We are anxious that all industrial customers should have access to competitively priced electricity and I am pleased to say that an independent survey showed that in the first year after privatisation three quarters of those customers experienced at least a 10 per cent .
5 Fortunately , his family was able to come here later and I am pleased to say that they now live here safely .
6 The decision was communicated to our staff late in 1992 and I am pleased to say that the wind-down has been handled as efficiently as could be wished .
7 ‘ We are determined to return to profitability during 1993 and I am pleased to say that overall our plans to achieve this appear to be well on course , ’ he said .
8 But that in no way affected my admiration for what Winston had done , and I am pleased to think that on one or two occasions I have been able to render him some modest service in the way of a reward for this particular display of public courage .
9 Whether or not that was the intent of the regulations — and I am willing to believe that it was not the Minister 's intent — that has been the net effect of the way in which the three-week period was cut off due to the way that the regulations were tabled .
10 In the past the word referred to helped to raise revenue and I am inclined to think that the word 's appeal carried greater weight than " deaf " .
11 Of course , this a justified objection ; and I am ready to concede that in most historical examples one might like to point out things probably did happen that way round .
12 I have bought Today 's Horse since the beginning and I am happy to say that it is getting better and better — something which can not always be said for the other horsy magazines , which are often repetitive and patronising .
13 In each case I pressed the national authorities concerned to allow me to send a UK ‘ observer ’ to their investigation and I am happy to say that our request was agreed to on each occasion .
14 There was an impression that my milkmaid friend was what is called well-connected , and I am glad to say that as she grew old she was , as it were , gathered in , to be near her relatives .
15 ‘ A very good point ’ , he said ‘ and I am glad to say that we have the whole matter under constant study . ’
16 I met the management of Trent Buses , which operates in a very competitive , deregulated environment , and I am glad to say that its investment programme over the past five years has been impressive .
17 It has been a faithful city , and I am glad to say that , throughout this century , it has been very faithful to the Conservative party .
18 These are very serious matters and I am glad to see that the civil servants are leaving the Box to find the answers .
19 The very word ‘ Mystery ’ could not provide a much heavier clue , and I am bold to assert that Agatha Christie 's inspiration to write mysteries featuring Hercule Poirot sprang directly from her reading of the following extract from the Harrogate Third Shepherd 's Pay in the Hull Cycle ( ‘ as it hath been divers time acted by the Guild of Chandlers and Gardners upon the Feast of Corpus Christie , ) :
20 a member of the G M B. I 'm proud to say that I 'm a trade unionist , and I 'm proud to say that I 'm a Socialist , and if I 'm gon na remain that , and if we 're gon na carry that message forward , we 've got ta be on the move , we 've got ta do it , we 've got ta carry it forward , we ca n't afford to muddle our way through .
21 The introduction and distribution of safety representative kits is an important factor in the role of G M B members at local level , and I 'm proud to say that in my own region , ninety three percent of the reps receive their kits .
22 I received it , along with her idea for making a Christmas fairy , just in time for the festive season and I 'm pleased to say that I made my fairy thanks to Mrs Sall and the post office .
23 I spent hours trying to answer that query — and I 'm pleased to say that experience has proved that we were n't entirely loony .
24 The only saving grace is that under pressure your decision-making seems to speed up and I 'm pleased to say that , instead of freezing , I quickly resolved that there was no way I could brake or slew the aircraft — still travelling at 55 or 60 mph — away from the ditch .
25 which we did , and I 'm pleased to say that they endorsed that that general position , in other words their not going to come to a conclusion whether or not they should take any part in the proceedings , whether they should intervene or seek to stop the project until much later in the day .
26 Lincolnshire has a lot of history of being a well managed authority , a proved exercising sound controls on its financial and management affairs , and I 'm pleased to say that I 'm again in a position to confirm that that is our view , for the conduct of the Council 's business in the period on which we are reporting .
27 And so on and I 'm pleased to say that they came back saying , Yeah we can still hold our head up high .
28 Both are members of the Penygroes RFC and I 'm pleased to report that out of the two games played , Penygroes won both , with scoring 6 tries , making the results 28–17 and 26–15 .
29 Yesterday , Sangster said : ‘ It had to come and I 'm delighted to hear that the government is committed to its introduction before long .
30 Were you to turn over that banner which is I think magnificently designed , you would find the other side is entirely about international connections between workers and various groups and so on , so it 's got the international , the wider version and I 'm delighted to know that you have here , you I understand that the G M B is perhaps the only body which has the nearest thing to a formal alliance with the trade union in Germany I mean this is tremendous .
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