Example sentences of "[coord] i [verb] that [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Bearded , chubby and deceptively jovial , he fields problems in Ronald Reagan-like fashion ( and I mean that in a Dame Edna-like caring way ) .
2 ‘ All the really intelligent people I 've met , and I mean that in a clinical sense , have a sort of specialised intelligence .
3 No I do n't , but nevertheless nobody knew only people like us and the neighbours , how that kid was every day when her mother to the T S B and her mother according to Julia had her because it was the done thing her mother , her own mother would n't have her , Kerry to look after her and I know that for a fact because one time when Ross was ill , Julia said I ca n't have her and she said oh god I suppose I 've got to go and beg my mother to have her now she did , but the woman said to Julia , I mean she would n't give up her job , they had a four bedroomed house , two bloody great cars , eleven cats
4 Filmer 's neck muscles slowly relaxed , and I realized that for a moment he must have suspected that the scene had been specifically aimed at him .
5 I observed this routine the day after I learned that my services were no longer required at the Oxford International Language College , and I knew that barring an Act of God I could set my watch by it thereafter .
6 And I say that in a right of some statistics that appear in today 's agenda .
7 And we have done something about it , grasped the mettle , and I believe that in a short while we 're going to solve this problem , and it wo n't be thanks to you and the Conservative Party .
8 And I think that to a large extent erm an alternative wording that that we 've been working on would erm meet those concerns .
9 The thousands of children who are born every year , we do n't even know in this country how many there are , because the figures the ca n't be kept , er er and these tend to be children erm born of er , anonymous donors and and I think that as a society we are wreaking such problems for the future , we 're creating secrets for families , and I would really like to hear from my fellow women here about that .
10 We 've just had a golf course defined as a strategic issue and I think that in a way goes goes goes to the heart of what this is what this is all about .
11 India in those days ( round about 1963 ) was much in the air and I found that as a background it decidedly fired my imagination .
12 The ingenuity of those who devise those schemes is such that it might be rash to say that property could never be comprised in the settlement unless it is charged with rights in favour of others , but I think that as a general rule this must now be the test .
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