Example sentences of "[coord] it 's [adj] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You do n't know where she 's going , and it 's better not to ask .
2 And it 's good enough to have helped Oxfordshire 's young sailors become European Champions .
3 And you 're talking to your mate and it 's all just happening by magic .
4 But my sister , she has forgotten everything and it 's all just wasted .
5 That brings out the colour of your eyes so beautifully , and it 's casual enough to look as if you have n't dressed up .
6 We keep getting beaten by the odd goal and it 's disappointing not to get anything from these matches , ’ he said .
7 But it feels strange : when you look at it in the bowl , it looks too runny to be fun , but when you touch it , it 's the squelchiest , stickiest sensation ; it turns to spaghetti when you let it drip through your fingers and it 's stodgy enough to make into patterns , swirling in different colours and practising making faces , people , letters and numbers .
8 The Behringer is the panacea for my guitar-induced headaches , and it 's sensitive enough to take care of the variable pick velocities in the average full-tilt rock solo .
9 Like , it would be nonsensical to get Paul Weller to go play live on a kids ’ Saturday TV show , and it 's the same for all our artists : there 's a right environment for them and a wrong one , and it 's important not to force them .
10 If you can make out the lyrics — and it 's difficult enough to find a song in this aural tirade — you 'll be subconsciously ordered to slaughter small children on the bus home .
11 pesticides , but it 's better not to seal the wood .
12 ‘ I do n't know when this six months idea came in but it 's little enough to show respect for the one that 's gone . ’
13 There 's no harm in using highly processed foods occasionally but it 's best not to make them a regular part of the family 's diet .
14 We could lift it right out but it 's easier just to lift it until it 's just below the level of the boom , so that it does n't foul it when we 're gybing .
15 Upstairs in the workshop , there is an air of quiet panic mingled with excitement because nothing is quite ready for the upcoming show , but it 's near enough to know it 's all going to be just divine .
16 But it 's important not to sweat if the clothes get wet it could cause problems . ’
17 But it 's important not to say they 've only got two minutes for something , and then let them go on for ten .
18 But it 's important too to draw the child 's attention to the patterns of spelling , and to show him how to analyse words .
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