Example sentences of "[coord] it is [adv] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 And it is n't just a case of falling ill .
2 Exercise can also lower the setpoint , ‘ and it is not simply a matter of burning more calories or raising the metabolism ’ .
3 In so far as I understand this view , and it is not yet a matter of close textual criticism of a published account , I find it difficult to connect the commonsense properties of consciousness ( vague as they may be ) , with the notions of repair and debugging ( fundamental as those are to any account of intelligent mechanisms ) .
4 It is not an easy task — and it is not just a matter of buying the vaccines .
5 And it is not just a one off thing — it must be a programme that is still in place long after we have a democratic government here . ’
6 And it is not just a revolution , it 's a rural revolution , it 's a revolution which is taking place through the peasantry .
7 NEWRY — Errol Lutton won his first international caps in Poland , and it is not only a boost to him but also to the club as they bid to match the big boys .
8 And it is not always a matter of sleeping in a swank hotel nearby ; several investigating teams have , from time to time , had to share a tent on or near the accident site because of the remoteness of the crash .
9 ( 4 ) Many tenants object to forfeiture provisions applying where distress or execution has been levied on its goods at the premises , as even in the best run organisations this sometimes occurs and it is not always an indication that the tenant is in financial difficulty .
10 It is rare for any substantial report to be published within less than two years of the end of the data-collection phase , and it is very often a great deal longer than this .
11 This sometimes happens to men in middle age , and it is usually only a passing phase .
12 The design is undeniably functional , aerodynamic and safe , but it is also undeniably a 1970s 900 shape with a lot of plastic skirting stuck on to it .
13 There is a rigid hierarchy but it is not just a sexual hierarchy .
14 But it is not just a question of Turks in Berlin or even Turks in West Germany .
15 KEYS : ‘ But it is not just a question of what is going on on the park , it 's what 's happening elsewhere that we 're beginning to hear and read about and that 's never been the case at Liverpool previously , ever .
16 But it is not just a matter of language .
17 But it is not just a question of ripping them down .
18 It is usual for governments to engage in such consultation , but it is not yet a convention of the Constitution that they do so .
19 The Easy-Carve is in fact not as noisy as one might imagine , but it is not necessarily a tool I 'd want to use for long stretches .
20 The expansion of forestry by means of a policy of attrition and isolation of farms is occurring but it is not necessarily a process which in the long term will lead to a reasonable balance of land use .
21 The ratio of the consumption of wood to steel varies considerably between different countries but it is not necessarily an index of the degree of industrialization or of technological advancement .
22 But it is not only an abstract thing .
23 But it is not really a wilderness , as many of the ‘ friend of the court ’ briefs filed by scientific bodies suggest .
24 But it is n't just a matter of history .
25 Part woman-in-peril thriller , part comic financial caper , part romantic weepie , it 's a lot of things but it is n't really a ghost story , not in the conventional sense .
26 It looks like an average piece of As bond at first sight but it is n't actually a standard size at all .
27 It did n't , but it is almost exclusively an independent sector these days .
28 This had been described as a thrust , but it is almost certainly a submarine landslip deposit like those in Italy .
29 Easter Island , where the traverse starts , is entirely volcanic but it is really only an insignificant scrap of land in the vast Pacific .
30 But it is never simply a formal abstraction , for the female nude is also seen as a testimony to feelings , traces of desires which , whilst they can not be allowed to dominate , are never entirely absent .
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