Example sentences of "[coord] it do not [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Apparently the green movement is worried that the rind may carry pesticides ; a new generation of beer purists dislike the lemon ; and it does not go so well with the heavily sedimented style currently favoured .
2 And it does not end there .
3 From all this you will have gathered I am not a ‘ Money Making Knitter ’ , but I enjoy my machine as much as the family do their video and motor sport and it does not cost any more !
4 Every killer has its own special modus operandi — or MO , to use a police term — and it does not take kindly to being forced to attack in circumstances that do not favour its special hunting style .
5 No lunch is provided and it does not take long to eat what little they bring — a bit of salad , some bread and maybe a hard-boiled egg .
6 A rose stem is not very thick , and it does not look very nice to use a stake so thick as to be out of proportion to the stem it is supporting .
7 There will still be reasons , adduced below , for objecting to an account of predicate qualifiers as based on either clauses or abstract clauses , but on the general suggestion that an abstract clause , of this or that design , might be a useful grammatical device , we may point out that , as we remarked in Section 3.7 , a claim that some structure is a reduced form of a clause is not explanatory ; and it does not become more explanatory if the appeal is to a hypothetical or abstract clause .
8 The Steam Tank is an unstoppable mass of metal , and it does not halt simply because enemy are in the way !
9 In the case of powder coatings Morton combined two businesses that it had acquired separately from Philip Morris and Chesebrough-Pond 's in the 1980s , and it did not go smoothly .
10 He had never before been accused of stealing and it did not sit well with him .
11 He had never written verse of this kind before , and it did not come easily to him : the drafts of these scenes underwent most revision .
12 And it did not take long for it all to boil down to that maxim — the Duty To Win .
13 Most of them were noticeably short even on usual offices , and it did not occur even to the agents to describe them as imposing or delightful .
14 And it did not happen here , not at St-Jean , it happened a hundred miles away and more , across the border , at Alassio , in another country , in my country , one of my countries .
15 By 1931 it was over 2.5 million , and it did not fall below 2 million until 1936 .
16 Such confusion is largely a result of the difficulty many lawyers have when dealing with a highly technical field such as computer science but it does not stop there .
17 It can be snorted'' or injected but it does not vaporise easily and is not suitable for inhaling or smoking .
18 This is unexceptionable in itself , but it does not sit easily with the views expressed by the House of Lords in the Tameside case .
19 This argument seems to me sound so far as it goes , but it does not go very far .
20 This would be useful , but it does not go far enough .
21 The explicit extension of the abstract convention then includes the proposition that both sides must be heard , but it does not include either the proposition that they must have equal time or the contrary proposition that the party with the more difficult case must have more time .
22 Turning points in relationships , too , are often mapped out in this way — a quarrel , a meeting , a reconciliation may mark the moment of ‘ conception ’ ; one knows that a new phase is beginning but it does not become openly apparent until this nine-month span has past .
23 The Bible does have quite a bit to say about Christians — all Christians — being witnesses for Jesus , BUT it does not have very much at all to say about the sort of ‘ Witnessing ’ being done by ‘ Damnation Derek ’ .
24 I am looking down on the world , but it does not stretch away over nebulous distant horizons .
25 The zygomatic process may be preserved on the maxilla long after the maxilla has been detached from the rest of the skull , but it does not survive more intensive alteration by the predator .
26 We have a National Health Service ; but it does not deal adequately with the illnesses of old age .
27 The paper is rigorous and thought-provoking , but it does not map easily on to existing curricular structures , and the very complexity of the model may limit its diffusion in higher education .
28 It takes away , no doubt , the right of the solicitor to bring an action directly the work is done , but it does not take away his right to payment for it , which is the cause of action .
29 But it does not take long to decide that the experiment is being conducted with skill , and that the pursuits have at least a little in common .
30 Hick , could be available still to play for Zimbabwe , but it does not bode well for the development of cricket in Zimbabwe itself , and I would agree with those who hoped that perhaps Zimbabwe could have been readmitted as part of South African cricket in their domestic competitions .
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