Example sentences of "[coord] it be there [that] the " in BNC.

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1 But the plot takes us back to Paris and its police for the denouement of the story , and it is there that the real and menacing power is seen to reside .
2 It is there , above all , that we see these independent intellectual capacities encouraged , and it is there that the gaze of the state is felt most keenly .
3 As he bathed , a sycamore leaf fell between his shoulder blades so that , like Achilles , his perfection was flawed and it was there that the treacherous Lord Hagen thrust his spear .
4 In her mind she went to that island and it was there that the ‘ shower ’ played upon her cancer cells ‘ and washed them away . ’
5 Alciston itself acted as the gathering place for surrounding parishes , and it was there that the wool merchants went to do their trading until the mid-fourteenth century .
6 And it was there that the peasant response to the Stolypin reform was most positive .
7 And it was there that the parish had its origin , way back in 1839 when the Rev Alex Orr ministered to his human flock in what was then verdant countryside .
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