Example sentences of "[coord] it be [vb pp] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The offeror will have to depend on publicly-available sources of information and whatever else it can obtain or it is required to be given under the Code ( see para 5.8 below ) .
2 The brand-new Linfield strip will be available in July and it 's believed to be based on a classic Italian design .
3 And it 's guaranteed to be moist and appetising as the fruit is soaked overnight in port and fresh lemon juice to make it extra plump and tasty .
4 and it 's meant to be a really good production .
5 It is part of the natural spontaneity of the action , and it is bound to be like this . ’
6 According to Dr Moore , speech recognition could be an important feature of future aircraft and it is believed to be under consideration for the European Fighter Aircraft .
7 Rudston 's history goes back a very long way to Neolithic times and it is believed to be the oldest inhabited village in England .
8 It finds its way to the outside world via the water system and it is believed to be harmful to animals .
9 Not far behind is a second West Country locomotive 34101 ‘ Hartland ’ , which is also fast nearing completion and it is hoped to be in steam by the end of this year .
10 Naltrexone is an anti-euphoriant which masks any pleasure from subsequent use of opiate drugs and it is said to be non-addictive .
11 The term " Urgonian " has become almost a dirty word in Cretaceous stratigraphy , for it is not one of the internationally accepted stage names and it is said to be a diachronous , southern facies .
12 Inflation in August , the latest month for which figures are available , was 7.3 per cent , and it is forecast to be unchanged when September figures are released next Friday .
13 There are to be 4,000 copies of that document , and it is purported to be printed and published by Cath Ball at 110 Union street , Oldham .
14 Rules and regulations are firmly in place , however , and it is thought to be extremely unlikely that Mrs Marcos would make any serious attempt to return the body .
15 Some sort of a school had existed before , possibly from 1680 , and it is thought to be part of the reading room where the WI now meet .
16 They attack it with wedges and iron hammers ; and it is thought to be the hardest thing that exists , except the greed of gold which is the most stubborn of all things . ’
17 The honour marked the 40th anniversary of the war 's end and it is thought to be the last medal minted under the old Soviet administration .
18 Female choice has only properly been tested for in the case of one such character , the long tail of a species of widow bird , and it was confirmed to be operating .
19 This investigation indicated that , although the potential existed for use of such systems by the departments , at that time the costs were high and there was a general lack of standards and a limited amount of expertise available , and it was felt to be unwise to consider any major capital investment .
20 Bror Blixen , Karen Blixen 's husband , had syphilis and it was said to be common among the Masai .
21 This stretch of canal holds a large head of fish but there are also a lot of carp and it was decided to be an unfair venue .
22 She just knew , she knew with absolute certainty , that in this vast , noisy , busy city , something would happen to her , and it was bound to be something good .
23 But then , dear Lizzie , for all the money — and it was reputed to be in millions — that her late husband had left her , had never known how to dress ; nor did any of the tribe of Braithwaites sitting around her , who had clearly chosen whatever had turned out to be the most expensive and put it on their large , angular bodies just anyhow .
24 He had difficulty ‘ sounding ’ because of this , and it was thought to be affecting his progress in learning to read .
25 In February 1991 E. was bruised and it was thought to be a non-accidental injury .
26 In 1941 a bomb fell on the College and it was thought to be the end of Halling Man but the bones were found with the relative animal bones and sent to the British Museum ( Natural History ) .
27 Teachers felt that this text offered them many opportunities for the development of the understanding of parental roles and it was thought to be a book from which all sorts of related topic work could be derived .
28 And it was considered to be worthy of treatment .
29 Policy makers sought to promote national health and welfare and it was considered to be in the nation 's interest to extend child and maternal welfare services .
30 The reports created sufficient interest for Sontochin to be synthesized and tested by the American company , and it was found to be active against malaria in canaries .
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