Example sentences of "[coord] it [was/were] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Since then we have published the timetable for the amalgamation of regiments , and it was to that fact that my right hon. Friends were perfectly fairly drawing attention .
2 Yet it emphasizes the close personal bonds which had existed between the dukes of Aquitaine and their vassals : the Pommiers were an ancient family , members of the ducal household , and it was to this kind of traditional relationship that appeal could be made by a largely absentee king-duke at periods of crisis .
3 And it was to this man that almost everyone now turned as the rather quiet , rather cultured , rather interesting , wholly English voice began to speak :
4 He was a funeral ‘ director ’ rather than a furnisher , and it was to this practice that a number of top-rank funeral furnishers working in London looked — Ballard , Dowbiggin & Holland , J.D. Field , A. France & Son , J. Kenyon , Leverton 's and John Nodes — though they were never quite to match his mastery .
5 They are admittedly themselves valueless and are thrown away and it was for that reason , no doubt , that Upjohn J. was constrained to say that their value lay in the evidence they afforded of success in an advertising campaign .
6 This is very clever of Brutus , saying that he loved Caesar more than anybody , and it was for this love that he killed him , to prevent him from the trouble brewing ahead for him .
7 What he wanted to do was to publicize erm the whole issue , and it was for this purpose that he joined in these campaigns .
8 I am unaware of any biography in print , and it was for this reason that I wrote this brief account of the life of a truly great man of God .
9 Our policy has been to try to build up a great team and not to weaken our playing strength , and it was for this reason that we accepted the offer made .
10 Councillors had an understandable reluctance to commit themselves to a political course which would deprive them of access to patronage , and it was for this reason that it was necessary for politicians to provide demonstrations of power .
11 For Sartre ‘ human history ’ was identified with the history of the West , and it was for this reason that Lévi-Strauss contested Sartre 's claim to have established the human foundation of ‘ a structural , historical anthropology ’ for Marxism .
12 The official line was that ‘ true character of French concessions to Indo-Chinese nationalism and ultimate intentions are clear to Department ’ and it was for this reason that no further substantive concessions involving parliamentary action in France were called for at that time .
13 If anything should happen to him , there could well be a collapse in Indo-China and it was for this reason that Collins recommended that the US should continue to extend military and economic aid ‘ in order to check the spread of communism in South-East Asia ’ — but only as long as de Lattre was in Indo-China .
14 The coypu-control man must have come on a weekday , though , and it was with that hangover that Adam associated his coming .
15 However that was where the comeback ended and it was with much relief that Parrott eventually clinched victory , taking the 15th frame 64-11 .
16 However that was where the comeback ended and it was with much relief that Parrott eventually clinched victory , taking the 15th frame 64-11 .
17 And it was with this development that the company expanded internationally ; it prompted Harlequin , a Canadian based publishing house to approach Mills and Boon for the North American rights to some of their titles .
18 Market research had suggested that there was a role for viewdata in education and it was with this project that Solihull Sixth Form College ( SSFC ) became involved .
19 Like Terry Venables calling for a pre-match arsenic , the old trouper knows that the best way to disarm your critics is to make ‘ em laugh , but the joke has been wearing a bit thin , and it was with some relief that he swopped his sheepish smile for a satisfied one .
20 Benny said she did n't want anyone they did n't know , and it was with some relief that they heard the niece Clodagh did n't want to go amongst strangers either .
21 A woman 's number was at the bottom of the Time Out piece and it was with some feelings of fear that I decided to ring it , not knowing who or what I would find .
22 It was then that she and Madeleine saw each other : and it was at that instant that their military training served them well .
23 I felt wonderful , and it was at that moment that I realised that if I started taking my athletics seriously , if I started training properly , if I started listening to Ron , then maybe I could do something in the sport .
24 That wo n't give anything away , ’ cajoled Deana , and it was at that moment that an open-topped , low-slung dark red sports car purred to an impatient halt directly in front of the foyer 's big glass doors and the unmistakable silhouette of Tom Russell sprang with athletic grace from behind the wheel and began to stride across the cement footpath towards the entrance .
25 And it was at that moment , half a mile before Carrick-on-Suir , that they heard an actual clamour — of angry voices , hundreds of angry voices .
26 He went nuts — he went crackers , got the cane , and he was wielding it , and it was at that time that the rest of the boys decided to pile up the furniture in the corner and set fire to it , so half the classroom was burning .
27 But as the child could not in the very nature of things acquire rights correlative to a duty until it became by birth a living person , and as it was not until then that it could sustain injuries as a living person , it was , we think , at that stage that the duty arising out of the relationship was attached to the defendant , and it was at that stage that the defendant was , on the assumption that his act or omission in the driving of the car constituted a failure to take reasonable care , in breach of the duty to take reasonable care to avoid injury to the child .
28 But as the child could not in the very nature of things acquire rights correlative to a duty until it became by birth a living person , and as it was not until then that it could sustain injuries as a living person , it was , we think , at that stage that the duty arising out of the relationship was attached to the defendant , and it was at that stage that the defendant was , on the assumption that his act or omission in the driving of the car constituted a failure to take reasonable care , in breach of the duty to take reasonable care to avoid injury to the child .
29 Things had changed slightly down there , however ; a new parish , that of Christ Church , Watney Street , had been carved out of the ever-more-populous St George 's , and it was at this recently-dedicated Christ Church that the couple were married on 22 March 1846 .
30 Peter does n't ’ And it was at this stage that someone else said , ‘ But Peter would n't like it , ’ and some little woman , who I 'd thought until that moment was a nun , said , ‘ Oh , fuck Big Petie . ’
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