Example sentences of "[coord] it [is] [adv] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In Rangoon contemporary and colonial Burma continue to co-exist decades after the British departure and it 's here that you will spend your first two nights at either the Inya Lake or Strand Hotel .
2 Get some movement out there we had a young , a young lady who er she name and she 's up front in the cabinet you know every opportunity she had she was looking for round the room , but not sort of in the round the outside all the time and it 's just that she wanted to be with a group of people all the time .
3 And it 's just because we hate it that we 'll beat you .
4 And it 's just as I 've said in local government , er we only get what you 've put in .
5 We 'll come onto this later , later on , but er , it can be shown quite easily , why farm , how farm , why farmers er , behave what you may , from what economic theory would tell you is , is an irrational manner , alright , and it 's simply because they 're trying to minimize their , their risks .
6 We understand why people do n't care for reporting , and it 's often because they 'd rather get on and drill or explore or sort out problems .
7 You 're going up two squares at a time and you 're going one two three and it 's usually when you get to around where I tend to do it is erm sort of eight and ten .
8 It maybe faithful for a long time , perhaps you build up that trust , and it 's only once you 've got beyond that , that you can then begin to actually influence er , negotiate with them .
9 And it 's only as we fulfil our function with the body .
10 And it 's only because they have no rights in what they 're negotiating for .
11 ‘ She 's always talking about going to see her nephew and his children , but she 's never gone and it 's only because she has n't enough money for the ticket . ’
12 And it 's only because you said , previously er , that she was a sort of feminist that when , he said do this do that and she said very frankly to him do you think just because I 'm going to marry you I shall commit ?
13 It 's with an apostrophe is an abbreviation for it is , because you never , and I I think those three little rules there only apply only nouns have an apostrophe , pronouns never have an apostrophe and it 's only nouns ending in s , have an apostrophe and it 's only when they own the thing that follows , except when they , when they do n't end with an s , but you know the exception of men 's , women 's , children 's and sheep .
14 He saw something erm he saw a cat and he zoomed out the front door and he was gone and it 's only when he lost sight of the cat he thought about where he was
15 And it 's then that you 're gon na work out how much you need
16 Press hostility to this idea was scarcely free of self-interest , but there were bigger issues at stake and it is right that they prevailed .
17 The PAC wants hard and fast information , and it is right that it should .
18 The Engineering Employers Federation says that its members ’ strongly support the Government 's objective of providing a balanced and effective framework of trade union and industrial relations law ’ and that ’ the step by step approach has been seen by all to have worked successfully and it is right that it should continue . ’
19 Meaning is not an issue that arises for the Russian Formalists , and it is here that they differ most fundamentally from the American New Critics with whom they otherwise have so many similarities .
20 ‘ It is a bedrock of traditional liberalism to build on and it is here that we are likely to see the most substantial progress of all .
21 And it is here that we come to the nub , theoretically , of the problem with Adorno 's whole approach to listening Dick Bradley ( n.d. ) points out that within a Marxist framework production and consumption can not properly be given the near-identity which Adorno attributes to them .
22 The London Daily Telegraph of 25 August 1887 , under the heading " A Sailors ' Association " chose to deal at length with the birth of the union , praising its objects , but predicting its early demise : " The North Country " , the article read , " was always the nursery of the famous and best seamen and it is here that we find Jack hard at work originating a fine scheme .
23 The justice of his interpretation of the fascist state has been , and is , fiercely disputed , and I will not discuss it.i For its contours are set by Poulantzas ' more general conception of the state , and it is here that he is most explicit in trying to put Althusser 's theory to work .
24 At this point , someone might rightly argue : ‘ I happen to live on earth , and it is here that I want to have a happy marriage ! ’
25 Pressing on OK shows the resulting bullet chart in the Slide Editor and it is here where you can change the bullet attributes if required
26 You do n't erm the other day I thought to myself I 'll walk up , see if that shop 's still there and by the time , you know er I was dreaming obviously , and I 'd walked by , I 'd got time actually , I was killing time so er I thought oh you silly I said er you 've still not er found out , so I went back and it is there but it 's not some , it 's not a shop
27 And it is there that you also are staying ? ’
28 To understand the world one is in is to understand where it came from , and how it came ; and it is only because it is understood , or thought to be , that one can aspire to change it .
29 We must admit that it looks to us like a very good match , and it is only because she is marrying Steven that she has such an idealized view of what men and marriage are really like .
30 The fragmented narrative cultivated by Vargas Llosa , for example , is intended to replicate the way in which we experience real life , in that events and information are presented to us in a disjointed fashion and it is only when we have lived through the reading experience that we are able to piece it all together with the benefit of hindsight .
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