Example sentences of "[coord] it [modal v] [vb infin] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The Sun only just manages to keep alight and it tends to be those few protons that are moving faster than average that keep it going — which is just as well or it could have used all its fuel and expired before we arrived .
2 And it would have remained little more than a name but for the immense political danger that threatened it 21 years ago .
3 Since the stock market crash at the end of that year , policy has however been dogged by an excessive fear of recession , and it would have compounded this mistake to have failed to raise British base rates to 15 per cent this week .
4 Such a strategy would , as in the case of the Baptist Union , include church planting , it would include training leaders for the task , and it would include setting some immediate goals such as those above .
5 And it would seem to follow that political-cultural tolerance is also furthered by the ‘ relatively autonomous ’ subject positioning fostered by de-differentiated representation .
6 But it was a considerable enterprise and it must have had some considerable justification .
7 However , the Nationalism Today faction has not adopted the antisemitic conspiracy theory of politics in order to attract financial support , but it may attempt to seek such support because it holds antisemitic beliefs .
8 Despite these kinds of market issues , Microsoft is unlikely to allow developers to add value by tinkering with NT operating system code , ‘ but it may have to change this model to win the high end , ’ warns Schuster .
9 Despite these kinds of market issues , Microsoft is unlikely to allow developers to add-value for them by tinkering with NT operating system code ‘ but it may have to change this model to win the high-end , ’ warns Schuster .
10 Admittedly , if we had entered five times as many patients there might have been a significant difference but it might have gone either way and we have not been able to show any improvement in response erm to either the Pasteur relative to the Evans or vice versa .
11 is , yeah , that will do , but it 'll have to go that way
12 It has been suggested that the rhetoric is Type II , whilst the proposals are Type I. This may be considered an oversimplistic observation , but it would appear to contain some element of the truth .
13 Every broken marriage , every wrecked career must have one , in some form or another , and doubtless career and marriage might have drifted aimlessly on together for a few more years if the sea had been clear of Carlas , but it would have ended some time or other , and possibly with a lot more pain than there was now .
14 But it would have made all the difference to Project Eden , ’ Cheryl muttered .
15 She said another member of the family would have been able to help after the theft but it would have caused more inconvenience .
16 I think what I imagined erm Miss Whittaker and Chairman is that erm if you get the criteria right then this exceptions policy would also be an exception to I eleven , but it would have to pass this criteria .
17 That approach was also rejected , because it was getting too close to a rating system , but it would have had some logic , a factor that is entirely outwith the system with which we are now confronted .
18 But it would have taken more courage than I could muster .
19 By section 56 , Acme was permitted to transfer the software because there were no express terms in the licence agreement prohibiting this , but it should have transferred all copies of WORDY .
20 But it must have taken some sweet talking from Newman to persuade Mansell 's wife Rosanne to agree .
21 Talking to children about death is a new thought for many but it can help prevent much anguish and pain if the subject is dealt with sensitively .
22 You wo n't actually make the tonsils better any quicker , but it will help to prevent some of the taste and the gunge .
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