Example sentences of "[coord] it [be] not [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In so doing , any hint of attempted indoctrination , conditioning , manipulation , even influencing and persuading , is misplaced because this dimension can only be grasped in freedom , or it is not grasped at all .
2 The justification seems to have got lost along the way , but the attitude has prevailed until recently — you could argue about precise dates , but Philip Larkin plumped for 1963 — and it 's not done for yet .
3 And it 's not gon na be easy to get him outta the country … .
4 If it 's man and wife arguing , or man , female arguing , and they 're the only two in this place , and I 'm satisfied that it 's gon na be quiet , and there 's no injuries to each other and it 's not gon na flare up , then that 's a domestic , that you can be quite happy with .
5 Yes I mean issue with illegitimate children or his affair means that I mean even the line he was running is okay because I 'm rich so it 's not gon na and it 's not gon na and so he 's got these two sort of values , that if you are a single parent and you 're poor that makes you lesser and more immoral than if you were a single parent and you 're rich .
6 And it 's not gon na be before April .
7 And it 's not gon na cost anything so the
8 And it 's not meant to be a joke .
9 It 's not gone through the post and arrived battered , torn or creased ; and it 's not going to be just plumped down in piles on the floor .
10 And it 's not going to be difficult and at the end of the day , someone is going to have to I suspect , and it would have to be members initially erm who would do that , as far as we see it .
11 But of course if salaries go up evenly throughout a forty year lifespan and the Chairman is given a forty year lifespan which is quite or pension lifespan which is quite a suitable one , if salaries go up and someone leaves their company every ten years , then the first three departures are obviously going to be at much lower salary levels and it 's not going to be satisfactory the first three departures are just index linked to inflation , there is the problem of how does one index link them towards the final salary .
12 And it 's not going to , I mean John is right , it , the T G I one that Jenny writes , what is , it will not cover the other continuous jobs .
13 Certain ones of them , for instance the Brazilians may not be taking an awful lot of notice , or may not apparently be taking an awful lot of notice at the moment , but I think the pressure is on , and that things are changing , and more and more countries are going towards policies that will in fact support , sustained yield production and timber from the forests , and the reservation of the forests for that purpose , erm I mean in many countries have a policy where they just let tribal institutes use the raw material , and the forest is not reserved , and it 's not looked after .
14 And it 's not designed to be a public meeting for anybody that come along and gives support and help would be more than welcome .
15 But the logic of this point of view is not compelling , and it is not supported by the data .
16 It is quite simple : to acquire contemplation means much time and hard work , and it is not given to anyone any time anyhow , even though its possession brings unspeakable joy .
17 While senior officials recognize this as a problem requiring constant monitoring , the level of anxiety about it remains low , and it is not seen as the forerunner of a future threat .
18 There is no externally-based explanation for this , as there is no sign of [ j ] -deletion as a known process in the history of Ulster dialect , and it is not favoured by RP , which on the contrary replaces the [ j ] of [ j ] -deleting dialects ( Trudgill , 1974 ; Wells , 1982 ) .
19 And it is not priced in the luxury category — it costs just £249 plus VAT to install Cozydry in any bathroom .
20 If there is a possibility of the agreement falling within the prohibition in Article 85(1) and it is not covered by a block exemption , the agreement should be formally notified to the Commission .
21 The decision to offer a place is not an easy one and it is not made without very careful consideration of each candidate 's proposal .
22 Indeed , the production of meaning is seen as an essential part of the activity of the text , and it is not subordinated to an ultimate signified .
23 Sharma v Knight [ 1986 ] 1 WLR 757 is authority for the proposition that jurisdiction conferred on county courts by statute is a general one and it is not restricted to the district in which proceedings should have been brought in accordance with Ord 4 , r 8 and that , if proceedings have been brought in the wrong county court , then the court nevertheless has jurisdiction to deal with the matter .
24 Damage was also very great in the mustelid samples , but in the one good sample from the pine marten the bones were less modified than in the canid samples , and it is not known at present which pattern is more typical of mustelids .
25 It is not built into the Order , and it is not drafted in quite the same way as a recital ; in the example given , somewhat more in the nature of a summary and somewhat less in the nature of a statement of purpose .
26 And it is not going to be won ’ , says Mr Carlson , ‘ by a bunch of biplane pilots flying round by the seat of their pants . ’
27 The pharmacist saw it as a breakthrough and it was not done for personal profit , said the lawyer .
28 In about February 1991 Mr. Mahdi had been proclaimed President of Somalia by the U.S.C. It was not clear on what basis such an assumption of office could be made and it was not accepted by the other clans .
29 And it was not rebuilt for a hundred years .
30 He thought that by involving as many as possible in the formal decision-making , he was ensuring their support ; but he forgot that his pleasure in obedience had been learnt the hard way of monastic conversion , and it was not shared by many — not even , when it came to the push , at Bec — much less in the world .
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