Example sentences of "[coord] to [pron] [noun] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I was not proposing to ask her about her relationship , or lack of it , with Edward VIII and Mrs Simpson , or to what degree she blamed them for the unexpected and , at the time , unwelcome change in her life .
2 The Wisharts had to catch the 10.30am train from King 's Cross and to their amazement they found few people in the usual queue ; they had bought newspapers and magazines to read on the journey and when they found an empty compartment they settled down .
3 Neither dark nor dumb ceremonies , but … so set forth that every man may understand what they do mean , and to what use they do serve .
4 We have now some thought-out sense of a general plan of campaign based on decisions about whether ( and how much ) we stick to subjects , and to what extent we integrate .
5 ‘ Where an unconstitutional change of regime takes place in a recognised state , governments of other states must necessarily consider what dealings , if any , they should have with the new regime , and whether and to what extent it qualifies to be treated as the government of the state concerned .
6 He looked up as she came in and to her irritation she saw the amusement was back in his eyes .
7 He let her go , and to her chagrin she burst into tears .
8 But Rosemarie felt so strongly that mum suggested she write to director Steven Spielberg … and to her surprise she received a reply from his scientific adviser Don Lessem in Massachusetts .
9 The door to the dressing room opened and to her surprise she saw that it was Hugo .
10 She was learning to recognize the effect she had on men , and to her surprise she saw the hint of desire creep into his gaze .
11 And to her amazement she saw that they were all wearing their stetsons .
12 He helped her to her feet , anxiously dusting her coat , apologizing , undistressed , so courteous and unconfused that she felt that he had conferred upon her a favour , and to her amazement she heard her own voice answering , with equal , answering ease , assuring him that no , she was not hurt , no , of course it was not his fault , yes , it certainly was the roughest she had ever known it .
13 And to her shame she longed to feel it again .
14 They accordingly obtained leave to invoke the High Court 's inherent jurisdiction and by their summons , directed to W. and to her aunt who shared parental responsibility for her , sought the court 's leave for such transfer and treatment without her consent .
15 He was back in a very short while and to her embarrassment he knelt and bathed her feet carefully , putting a plaster on a slight cut after he had dried them .
16 Despite that , Dane 's eyes glinted appreciatively when she joined him in the hotel foyer , and to her annoyance she felt a pleasant little warm glow deep inside .
17 ‘ The State ’ , wrote one , ‘ is a lifeless mass , to which the monarch first gives life ; a machine without motion , which the monarch first sets moving and to whose mechanism he gives reality … the monarch lives for the State and the State lives through him . ’
18 Black Oil ? ’ ) , the socket set and a large hammer , and to my astonishment I had fitted a new wheel and mudguard .
19 I winked at Mrs Patel and to my surprise she winked back .
20 Eventually I had a better bite and to my surprise I hauled in a roach of 11b 5oz .
21 Then I realised that this was unlikely and to my relief I found an apple ; slightly bruised by its encounter with me in my bed .
22 I looked around the car-park in search of some indication of the whereabouts of the recording studio , and to my relief I found one quickly .
23 My eyes fell on the bed and to my horror something began slowly to stir under the blanket .
24 But suddenly it turned and galloped at the house and to my horror it leapt gigantically up and straight at me with bared teeth .
25 Before moving into a Darlington boarding house , Derek explained his situation to his landlady , and to his surprise she invited him to meet her family .
26 In this extract , Charlie has tripped over the dog Floss in the dark , and to his astonishment someone speaks to him :
27 But Mrs Gandhi never forgave Khan 's opposition to her scrapping the privy purses , and to his regret she did not make him a minister .
28 He 'd looked around that shabby dwelling and smelled the poverty which he had vowed to help alleviate in his dedicated youth , and to his shame he had thought only of escaping from the fleas he might have picked up from that terrible straw mattress .
29 His eyes narrowed , and for a second she thought he 'd refuse to follow her lead , but to her relief he shrugged .
30 He slid her a coolly measuring look , clearly not accustomed to being told what to do by a mere make-up artist , but to her relief he did as he was bid , lowering himself into the chair and sliding down to tilt his head back into the sink .
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