Example sentences of "[coord] that they [verb] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I have just met some colleagues in the House — and I do not dare to name the Opposition Members — who asked me questions about the amendment because there were points that they could not understand or that they had not seen before .
2 This means that a management policy that is injurious to employee interests can be attacked only on the grounds that the directors lacked good faith , meaning that the directors did not honestly believe that the policy constitutes an appropriate balancing of interests , or that they have altogether disregarded the impact of their decision on the employees .
3 Where this is done it matters not that the pedestrians have n't put a foot on the crossing or that they have actually crossed and the offence can still be committed ( Gullen v Ford [ 1975 ] 2 All ER 24 and Connor v Paterson ( 1977 ) 121 Sol Jo 392 ) .
4 She told her parents how she and Susan had bumped into the two lads from Northallerton and that they 'd all gone together to the Lobster Pot for a drink .
5 Christopher Trickie and his Wife … told Mogg that the French people had taken the plan of their House , and that They had also taken the plan of all the places round that part of the Country , that a Brook runs in the front of Trickie 's House and the French people inquired of Trickie wether the Brook was Navigable to the Sea , and upon being informed by Trickie that It was not , they were afterwards seen examining the Brook quite down to the Sea .
6 He looked around and saw a great many faces all wearing the same expression , an expression stating that they were never going to be surprised by anything in history and that they had already had every thought that was ever going to be in his head .
7 The three asserted that their only observation had been to suggest that because such a rumour was circulating it would be wise for it to be firmly denied or some enquiry made , and that they had not made any allegation against Profumo but only a suggestion for his benefit .
8 When asked if their shefi acted in too authoritarian a manner , some kolkhozniki at first said it was very rare , but then in peasant fashion slowly warmed up to the fact that they had been very angered by some young students who had written in Rabochii put ’ that their horses were badly fed and cleaned , and that they had not sown enough crops .
9 From the North West , Mary Paterson reports that the Annual Rally and four teacher-training days came and went successfully , and that they have reluctantly exported Chris Oakes to the Isle of Man , where her husband has been appointed Chief Constable .
10 Ministers can claim until they are blue in the face that students are getting more money and that they have never had it so good , but they can not justify those claims by reference to the facts , which show that students are significantly worse off than they were previously .
11 However , the majority of teachers who were interviewed claimed that they had not done anything different from what they would have done were they not being observed , but that they had probably prepared lessons more carefully and thought things through more .
12 The indictment of this book is not only that the authorities have permitted certain specific excesses of which examples are described , but that they have deliberately promoted and condoned violence , crime and racketeering in order to alienate both their terrorist and political opponents from their natural sympathisers .
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