Example sentences of "[coord] that [pers pn] [vb past] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He was a realpolitiker , believing nation-states were the prime actors in world affairs and that they operated by the logic of the balance of power .
2 However the representatives of NEC and Fujitsu reserved comment , saying that they had not received official notice of their position and that they looked to the future to reveal this .
3 In his History of the Abbots Bede says that Ecgberht , king of Kent , sent a certain Wigheard to Rome where he wished him to be consecrated archbishop , and only subsequently in the Ecclesiastical History does Bede report that Oswiu and Ecgberht consulted together on what action to take about a successor to Deusdedit and that they agreed on the choice of one of Deusdedit 's clergy , Wigheard , whom they sent to Rome to be consecrated ( HE III , 29 ) .
4 In that same year Welford Beaton argued that it was people like clerks who made up the bulk of the great movie audience and that they went to the cinema for inspiration .
5 Izvestiya of Nov. 17 pointed out that the leaders of local administrations often had " more real power than the heads of Russian Federation constituent republics " and that they acted as a support base for Yeltsin .
6 He then said that he now had confirmation from the police and that I qualified for a transfer and would receive an offer for Govan ( where my dad is ) within a week .
7 In construing the Act without reference to the Parliamentary proceedings , he treats it as decisive that in this case the taxpayers ' children were only occupying surplus accommodation and that it lay in the discretion of the school whether to grant such benefit to the taxpayers .
8 Lord Fraser ( at p813 ) stated : The Crown contended that the definition in s454(3) ( now TA 1988 ss681(4) ) applied to all transactions that did not have a bona fide commercial reason , and that it applied to the present transaction , the sole reason for which was to avoid tax .
9 An investigation of the Directorate published in Izvestiya of Oct. 22 , 1992 , revealed that the October 1991 order to form it from the troops of the Russian Interior Ministry was unknown to Supreme Soviet deputies ; that its personnel was armed and " in exceptional circumstances " could distribute its arms to people 's deputies ; that it guarded about 75 buildings in Moscow , " two-thirds of which have absolutely no relation to the parliament " ; and that it came under the jurisdiction only of the parliamentary Chairman .
10 Thierry Millerand , Sotheby 's head of French furniture , remarks on the extreme rarity of the Louis XVI ormolu-mounted and painted satinwood and mahogany commode ( est. $1.2–1.6 million ) that is the top lot of the Ortiz-Patiño offering of French furniture : ‘ The commode is one of the very few surviving examples of French eighteenth-century painted and veneered furniture ’ and adds , ‘ We are certain that it was executed by Joseph Baumhauer and that it belonged to a great collector , Nicolas Beaujon , in the eighteenth century ’ .
11 In our study continuous monitoring showed that DGR occurred in all patients with gastric ulcers , and that it occurred for a significantly greater proportion of the study time than in normal controls .
12 It was Gibbon 's opinion that Trajan 's conquest of Dacia was maintained for reasons of prestige , and that it contributed to the weakening of the empire .
13 These details make it clear that Beveridge regarded young workers as constituting a separate source of labour supply which required specialized provision and that he agreed with the ASEA and the ‘ boy labour ’ reformers in wishing to see the transition from school to work treated as an educational matter ( though not necessarily one controlled by the Board of Education ) .
14 AI has repeatedly expressed concern about the case to the Tunisian Government since October 1991 but the Tunisian authorities have continued to insist that Faisal Barakat had never been arrested and that he died in a road accident .
15 Al-Shara in his speech brandished a wanted poster showing Shamir when younger and said that " he himself recognizes that he was a terrorist and that he participated in the assassination of Count Bernadotte [ the UN mediator ] in 1948 " .
16 We can infer that George was in a restaurant , and that he sat at a table and looked at a menu .
17 Willie lay in bed that night , tired and aching , but the aches were very pleasant ones and as he slept he dreamt that Adam and Eve were being chased by a large whale and that he stood in the garden of Eden wondering if God was nubbly and ate infinite sauce and sagacity .
18 These purchases were made despite what Hall describes as her ‘ antipathy for the firm ’ , aggravated by the fact that a Guardi which Berenson had offered to her was sold to another client , and that she learnt of a discrepancy between the price she paid for two Holbeins and the monies paid to the owners , the Pole-Carews .
19 Little that is definite is known of her early years , except that she was said to have been a backward child ; that she was sent to a private school , Hope House , in Taunton ; that she broke away from the family tradition of Methodism and became an Anglican ; and that she came to the attention of Dorothea Beale [ q.v. ] , and taught at Cheltenham Ladies ' College from 1877 until 1881 .
20 She told the poor people who had taken her in that the girl was illegitimate , and that she came from a bad family with an evil reputation .
21 Well , perhaps one could believe that , but not- ’ Her voice dropped further now and her head came towards Peggy , saying , ‘ Not that you never bathed her , never had bathed her , and that she got in the bath with her father every night .
22 What Mr Major should have said , if he was intent on justifying his decision , was that many of the executions were grotesque by any civilised standards , but that they accorded with the code of discipline that was in force at the time .
23 Nothing is known of Eardwulf 's ancestry except that he was a son of an Eardwulf , but that he belonged to a family with strong Ripon associations is probable .
24 It has been suggested that Greek was not the native language of the author but that he wrote in the universal language of the day which was Greek , while thinking in his own language which was probably Aramaic .
25 Thereby he had represented to the finance company that the van was not his but that it belonged to the trader .
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