Example sentences of "[coord] that [pron] be [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Regional Council does not accept that the effect of the opinions referred to by the appellant are ‘ informed ’ , ‘ tested– or ‘ overwhelming ’ , or that there is any need , let alone an urgent need , to find more land in advance of the Structure Plan Review .
2 ‘ There are no allegations that any of these were selling information or that there was any fraud involved but they were causing chaos on a scale that could n't be imagined , ’ Mr Richardson said earlier .
3 Let us admit that good taste and proper judgement have to be worked out slowly and painfully and personally , and that it is each man for himself .
4 Hurley suggests that endotoxin in the bloodstream is an epiphenomenon accompanying the transition of bacteria to their cell-wall deficient L-forms , and that it is these L-forms that are responsible for the symptoms .
5 I believe that each of us has what I term a spirit ( but which I am quite happy for others to call the soul , the higher self , the inner self — or any of dozens of different names ) and that it is this spirit which has a journey to make through several lifetimes .
6 The advantages in determining serum 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one concentration are that it is an even simpler method , that only a serum sample is needed , that no radioactivity needs to be used , and that it is less time consuming .
7 None of the writers realized that the Cubism of this date relied on a balance between abstraction and representation to achieve its effects , and that it was this balance that gave each work a significance on more levels than one .
8 It is clear that Wagner became genuinely fond of Nietzsche , but for all the young professor 's admiration of him as a person , Wagner — it is a notorious fact — was a supremely egocentric man ; it is easily inferred that he glimpsed in Nietzsche a means of gaining respectability in hitherto hostile academic circles , and that it was this glimpse , as much as anything , that encouraged his fond feelings to grow .
9 I have to have regard to the fact that there is another statement after this one and that there is such pressure on the debate on the Gracious Speech that I shall have to impose a 10-minute limit on speeches .
10 Arguments against screening included that other effects of hormone replacement therapy are as or more important when decisions on treatment are made ; that no agreement exists on when and whom to treat ; that measurements vary at different times and with different equipment ; and that there is little separation between the groups who will and will not suffer fracture in terms of bone mass .
11 Surveys since 1979 show that trade unions have become less feared and that there is less support for further privatization .
12 Check that the lavatory is clean and that there is enough toilet paper .
13 If you are going to eat in the kitchen make sure overall lights arc on a dimmer switch and that there is enough light over the table — use a rise-and-fall light fixture for example — which can , of course , be substituted for or combined with candlelight at night .
14 The passages from Mank Ali and Ata'i concerning Abdulfettah do suggest , however , that there may well have been some connection between the pairs of concepts and that there is some basis for assuming that the " interior " referred to is the three cities of Istanbul , Edirne and Bursa ( and environs ) and the " exterior " the rest of the empire or at least that part of it in which the learned hierarchy operated .
15 Of a family where child abuse may be taking place , they will say that Satan has got into that family , and that there 's some sort of evil force at work .
16 Elite theorists argue that there are gross inequalities of political influence between interest groups ; that many mass-based groups promoting issues or views which threaten established elites are excluded from influence ; and that there are many groups not organized at all , or only episodically able to make their voices heard .
17 It should be emphasised that the above is a basic description of nematode life cycles and that there are many variations .
18 Further thought reveals however that it is not so simple , and that there are several stages , at any one of which error can occur which breaks a link in the chain of communication ( Fig. 7.2 ) .
19 Minimising — acceptance that the sufferer has a problem and that there are some consequences in the family but refusal to accept that any of this is of great significance or that the family can not cope from within its own resources .
20 The problem with ( 5.44 ) , of course , from the point of view of estimation , is that the coupon payment dates differ for different bonds and that there are more coupon payment dates than the number of bonds available , so that ( 5.44 ) as it stands can not in fact be estimated .
21 The most positive view comes from the United States : ‘ The fact that much is being done , and that there are few areas of stagnation , makes one believe that better and more fruitful days are ahead ’ .
22 The approach suggests that organisations can be viewed as essentially the same and that there are few differences between organisations that can not be overcome by the application of general principles .
23 We said that non-standard forms are rarely more than a social irritant to some people , and that there are few situations where such forms could cause real communication problems .
24 However , I pointed out that what I was asking for was no more than would comprise a normal police station in a provincial town and that there were many economies to be made by giving up our offices in central London .
25 There is evidence at many points around the continent that more rock is exposed today than in the immediately recent past , and that there were several retreats during the present interglacial ( Péwé , 1960 ) , though not on the scale of the northern retreat .
26 Clegg has examined the reasons for this in the early 1930s and suggested that employers were not well organized at this time and that there were fewer jobs being lost in the early 1930s than in the early 1920s .
27 One effect of the early deadline was that some teachers claimed that their reports had to be rushed and that there was little opportunity for a considered appraisal :
28 The lay judges , like Stanhope and Stirling , on the other hand , must have been well aware of the realities of the situation , and that there was little chance of the prize-winners being commissioned to carry out the work .
29 She considered that women photographers were still very much outside the college system , and that there was little evidence of any change .
30 Michael Bates , standing in Langbaurgh , said his other son had the same operation on the NHS and that there was little difference between the two .
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