Example sentences of "[coord] he may [adv] have be " in BNC.

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1 Either Frederick became ill because of their privations , or he may already have been suffering from pneumonia , which was worsened by the hard journey .
2 And he may well have been correct in thinking that , in France at any rate , such men were less likely to take advantage of women .
3 His family evidently had existing contacts with royal administration , and he may well have been a Chancery clerk as early as June 1379 , enjoying church preferment regularly thereafter , although only on 7 February 1387 was he first called ‘ king 's clerk ’ .
4 There could be no doubt that the Burgundian was the leading ruler in Gaul between 511 and 516 , and he may well have been the barbarian king most favoured by the court of Constantinople .
5 His date of birth is not known , but the first reference to him at work is 1567–8 , and he may therefore have been born around 1540 .
6 As the Young King wavered between the three alternatives of remaining dutifully at his father 's side , going to Jerusalem , or marching into Aquitaine , he was certainly tempted by messages from the rebels offering to recognize him as their Duke , but he may also have been egged on by Geoffrey of Brittany .
7 The summer conversations in Kissingen , the presence in St Petersburg of the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich , the greater enthusiasm for reform of Lanskoi at the Ministry of Internal Affairs — all these undoubtedly altered the balance of opinion to which he was exposed and made him more susceptible to reformist sentiments ; but he may also have been naive enough to believe that the gentry at large would follow the example of the north-westerners and welcome the measure he was putting to them .
8 ‘ Look for balding , bearded men , ’ I nearly said — but he may not have been looking for precisely that variety of technical person .
9 But he may not have been released from the Tower until 1217 , when his remaining bonds were returned to him and he and the rest of the Jews of Norwich were given letters of royal protection .
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