Example sentences of "[coord] he [adv] [verb] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He came back , and when he found the place locked up again , he got a scare , or he just decided to play it safe , and made off . ’
2 He had never heard anyone give more orders than his present Bishop and he dearly wanted to try his hand .
3 He has temper tantrums if he ca n't get his own way , and he even tries to hit me .
4 Oh , and he nearly forget to tell me about his role as ‘ mate ’ to Eric .
5 In his preamble to the report Lord Hunter quoted Lord Denning 's preamble to the Profumo affair report about the importance of justice to the individual and not condemning on suspicion , and he also promised to avoid what he called wild speculation .
6 I said , ‘ Come on , there are a lot of birdies left out here still , ’ and he just kept making them — along with an eagle !
7 I was in the supermarket the other day and then this bloke , I saw this bloke pick up this massive bottle of er vinegar right , and he took the top off there was some old woman just going down the aisle and he just started pouring it all over her
8 His fingers were stained with blue-green ink and he constantly kept scratching what was left of his wispy , greasy , grey hair .
9 And he always remembers to send her flowers .
10 ‘ Sam is a business man and he always seems to get what he wants .
11 She squeezed Auguste 's hand and he quite forgot to repeat his question .
12 Lord Alverstone recorded that when at the Bar he was able to read the sheets of correspondence almost as fast as he could turn them over , and he never required to read them twice .
13 There was a plain white card inside as well , saying , ‘ Only the artist realizes that some of us exert a Homeric effort simply to behave ordinarily , ’ but she had translated her declaration to him into Latin in a self-defeating impulse to disown it , and he never troubled to puzzle it out .
14 And he still refuses to accept he has a problem ? ’
15 And he still manages to oversee his own record label , Solid Pleasure , home of his number-five choice , Whyte .
16 The job has not soured his taste for milk , as he often drinks two pints a day and he still enjoys doing his round , which takes in some of Ulster 's most spectacular scenery around the Mourne Mountains .
17 ( Tye does compare this learning to learning to balance a pencil on your nose , but if that comparison is made to do any work , Tye 's theory will simply be a behaviouristic one , and he usually seems to want it to be more than this . )
18 The new hero , like Don Quixote , gets it wrong by study , but unlike Quixote he gets it right ( more or less ) by living , and he characteristically needs to educate himself by life after having partly de-educated himself through books .
19 I tell him about the whisky story and the chill-filtering and the colouring but he already seems to know it all .
20 Sewell was free in his criticisms of others , including his fellow teachers , but he generally failed to state his own experience and opinions clearly .
21 It was strange for him at first but he soon came to enjoy it and did his best to improve the sporting standards and attitudes .
22 But he rarely had to put his hand in his own pocket .
23 But he probably has got it .
24 But he probably did have his thoughts .
25 He was too weak to speak any more , but he just managed to lift my hand to his lips .
26 But erm , but he just kept filling our glasses up all the time , did n't he ?
27 But he just kept shaking his head and would n't say , and the only thing Preston was sure he had n't seen was Mary Moxton Parading around in the Nude .
28 I think Japan was taken by surprise — they did n't expect a tour at the time — but he just decided to do it .
29 You know , very often Jim does things on the Enterprise he does n't want , want to do you know , but he just has to do them unfortunately .
30 He may bring problems but he also helps to solve them ’ .
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