Example sentences of "[coord] have [vb pp] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Wilcock had written about Haynes and his Edinburgh bookshop in the Village Voice soon after it had opened , and had popped up in the one-off Longhair Times too .
2 Straightening , he turned to Lori , who had gone as white as a sheet , and had backed up to the door like an animal at bay .
3 ( Like many British design engineers at the time — and unlike Continental or American ones — he had no university training and had come up through the usual apprenticeship route with evening and part-time study . )
4 Miss Foley was ready to go now and had come up to the desk to clear his out tray .
5 Recent studies have posed the question as to whether there is a link between film violence and real violence and have come up with the answer that the majority of people think there is , though at least one study concluded the opposite .
6 Innes McInnes was obviously a soup-meat-cheese man from way back , but had come up in the world .
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