Example sentences of "[coord] have [adv] [vb pp] with the " in BNC.

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1 Gen Aideed is perhaps Somalia 's most powerful warlord and has generally co-operated with the US-led forces trying to restore order so relief can get to Somalia 's starving millions .
2 Does the right hon. Gentleman recall the promise of Bill Fyfe , chair of the Ayrshire and Arran health board : ’ the decision rests and has always rested with the hospital doctors .
3 The teacher was aware of Prestel and word processing and had previously discussed with the librarian possible uses by her department .
4 Dissanayake had competed with Premadasa for the ruling United National Party 's nomination as presidential candidate in 1988 ( as had Lalith Athulathmudali , now transferred from Agriculture to Education ) , and had subsequently differed with the President on such issues as the handling of the withdrawal of Indian troops from Sri Lanka .
5 He had smoked simple compound narcotics , to accept the veil of illusion , but had never experimented with the more complex chemical compounds .
6 The record-keeping and office procedures implications of the Modular Course when it started in 1973 with an intake of 75 students were modest but have since grown with the Course .
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