Example sentences of "[coord] be [adj] [verb] [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Last month we phoned Lydia and were shocked to hear that the Appeal against the convictions of the prisoners had been postponed , condemning them to another nine months in prison — until May 1991 .
2 The next morning , realizing and regretting what they 'd done , they went back to the pub and were relieved to discover that the publican had n't cashed their cheque .
3 More especially , I wondered at their risk when I learnt that some of them had landed across the Channel and were astonished to find that the natives did not speak English .
4 They investigated the rate of autoshaped pecking controlled by the first of two keylights presented serially and were able to show that the rate was elevated when the first element was an inaccurate predictor of its consequences .
5 However , relatively speaking , Reagan and his staff , in the first year of his presidency , were brilliantly successful in maintaining control over the budgetary process and were able to ensure that the budget that eventually emerged was reasonably close to their original blueprint . ’
6 However we were called in and were able to advise that the building could be saved .
7 Scanning the area with our glasses , we found a party of eider duck and were excited to see that the flock not only contained common and king eider , but a number of Steller 's eider , a ‘ new ’ bird for all of us , which breeds along the Siberian coast and into Alaska .
8 The search for an explanation of those differences comes from an ‘ ideology of difference ’ , which , having created a problem then seeks a resolution , and is unable to see that the problem lies in the original perceptions .
9 When the Home Secretary announced the additional numbers for police forces throughout England and Wales , I was shocked to find that Gwent merited only one extra officer and was astounded to find that the South Wales police force was not to have a single extra officer , especially as the chief constable has undertaken a major review to ensure the best use of available manpower , a process which must continue .
10 Moreover , the policing of the picket line was organised and controlled by local police officers according to a ‘ hearts and minds ’ philosophy : the Chief Constable of South Yorkshire sensibly recognised that almost every family in Sheffield had connections with the steelworkers and was keen to ensure that the police did not alienate themselves from the wider community .
11 He went down to breakfast and was relieved to find that the Captain had not yet come down .
12 He looked through the transparency again , and was alarmed to discover that the pod appeared to have increased its rate of descent .
13 I headed for the white gleam of a village in the distance and was grateful to find that the one and only store sold iced drinks .
14 I though of Poppy and was surprised to find that the fever that had raged in my blood since I had first seen her was n't there any more .
15 He told him of his experience and was interested to know that the phenomenon is by no means unknown and the other went on to relate another incident involving footsteps that he heard outside the office , but when he opened the door to investigate no one was there .
16 He recognised the names of Blenkinsop , Fagg and Glastonbury and was interested to learn that the three witnesses to Trueman 's last moments all appeared to live in the club .
17 William Empson , a lifelong and dedicated atheist , returned from the Far East in 1952 expecting to find little more demolition-work on religion needing to be done , at least among the lettered , and was horrified to discover that the devout spirit of T. S. Eliot , in his absence , had spawned a host of converts in the critical world .
18 Dr Evans had made several visits as well , and was able to report that the damage to Faye 's eyes did not seem to be worsening .
19 I presented 29 awards and was able to announce that a further 500 companies are committed to meeting this standard .
20 There seemed to be no signs of a squabble , but Clara was herself familiar with silent domestic altercation , and was willing to believe that the charmingly grouped apparent peace of the scene belied its true character .
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