Example sentences of "[coord] be [adv] [adv] [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 The Hyades , extending from the bright orange star Aldebaran in Taurus ( the Bull ) cover a much wider area than the Pleiades , and are also somewhat overpowered by Aldebaran , which does not actually belong to the cluster at all , but merely happens to lie about midway between the Hyades and ourselves .
2 As such , little girls have a special ritual participation in Goddess-worship , are considered a source of good luck and are even occasionally worshipped by other Hindus .
3 These volcanoes are large landforms which load the underlying crust and are partly isostatically supported by deep roots ( Fig. 5.4 ) .
4 ‘ DEC is a fairly enlightened company generally but certainly women here tend to take more time and are not so stressed by interruptions .
5 Since claims by non-State third parties will not normally be presented before an international forum and are not directly governed by the terms of the Vienna Convention , the outcome may well be significantly different from those involving third States .
6 Mandarinfish ( callionymidae ) have a poisonous mucus which deters predators and are not usually bothered by larger fish .
7 Relations in the material world can exist independently of consciousness and are not necessarily affected by it .
8 When men live in the transcendent they become lost to the world ; it is as if they speak an unknown language and are no longer understood by other men .
9 Because of their position they often interfere with the bit and are sometimes even broken by the bit .
10 Hymns and modal chants are still regularly published by this community and are very widely used by Anglicans .
11 After all , when you have laboured in the engine room for several years and are then suddenly confronted by some of the highest honours the sport can confer it is understandable that a player might believe he is living in another world .
12 These frequently need large amounts of earth moved , particularly the broader-based ridge terrace , and are therefore frequently built by terracers or graders .
13 This is after all what the first balletmasters did when professionals appeared on stage and were no longer surrounded by the court where all eyes were focused on the king ( see page 76 ) .
14 The EC announced on Jan. 15 that all CIS members had accepted EC guidelines for recognition [ see p. 38685 ] and were therefore officially accepted by the EC as independent states .
15 & Despite some well-publicized takeover battles , most of the mergers were ‘ agreed ’ , and were indeed often initiated by the company eventually taken over .
16 It is well exemplified by the 1990 book Prison Crisis ( by the journalist Peter Evans ) , and is even better summarized by the following extract from a newspaper article of 1977 ( Humphry and May , 1977 ) :
17 The park is beneath a major flight path and is already severely affected by aircraft noise .
18 But there is another , perhaps rather less obvious , reason to avoid candid recording which is associated with the subject 's self-image and is most easily understood by continuing to draw a parallel with photography .
19 This is friendly Borrins Moor Cave and is most easily located by following Alum Pot Beck upstream from Alum Pot to the point where it passes through a gap in the field wall .
20 It is a yearning for Palestine which permeates the whole refugee community and is most ardently espoused by the younger refugees , for whom home exists only in the imagination .
21 It is a style that is unlikely to appeal to many people , and is not even encouraged by NACAB or GLCABS .
22 Subject to these qualifications , the prohibition of pecuniary interest seems to be an absolute one and is not further qualified by any requirement that the interest be substantial .
23 Saving , he maintained , depends mainly on the level of national income and is not much affected by changes in interest rates .
24 The agenda of interstate relations is increasingly complex and is not necessarily dominated by security issues .
25 The problem then needs to be formulated in scientific terms and this requires the object to have some property which is unique to its origin , but which varies from place to place and is not significantly modified by manufacture ; the property must also be scientifically detectable .
26 One of the older professional methods , the use of the gin trap , has been phased out and is no longer allowed by law .
27 How those causes are identified will affect political priorities and is also partly influenced by them .
28 Patrice Orfilat , a fearful , whimpering wretch bearing a grudge against Thorez whom , he assumes , had prevented him from being nominated as a PCF candidate for the 1936 elections , petrified at the thought of war and his own death , attempts to find a job in the Foreign Affairs Ministry , and is ultimately disdainfully rebuffed by an orthodox party member unperturbed by the Nazi-Soviet pact .
29 The determination and effective preparedness of the nuclear powers to mount an instant all-out nuclear counter-strike the moment it perceives itself to be under nuclear attack must be condemned as an illegitimate threat of force , and is rightly so condemned by the world 's peace movement .
30 It was designed as a list of subject headings for use in the dictionary catalogues of medium-sized libraries and is still widely used by school and small public libraries , particularly in the United States .
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