Example sentences of "[coord] the [noun pl] were [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 In the event neither the manager nor the owners were held to be in breach of duty .
2 In March of 1162 , Milan was razed to the ground by imperial troops , and the inhabitants were forced to settled in four widespread parts of the territory .
3 It was not appropriate for the son to care for her but it became too much for the daughter-in-law , who was admitted to psychiatric hospital with a nervous breakdown , and the problems were referred to the local area social service office .
4 Much of the population quickly embraced Islam , and the Copts were reduced to a minority .
5 And the girls were given to the priests by their families when they were ten or eleven years old . ’
6 In April 1991 his visual acuities were 6/12 right and 6/24 left and the discs were noted to be pale .
7 Argument before the House of Lords in B's appeal and the judgments were confined to the certified question .
8 Senior members marked the competitors ' cards and the caddies were allowed to practice on the course beforehand !
9 An ambulance was called and the boys were taken to nearby Whiston Hospital , where they were detained overnight for treatment for the after-effects of the drug .
10 By early July the two Meteor F.4s had been joined by two Meteor T.7s ( and a Tiger Moth ! ) and the crews were introduced to the ‘ joys ’ of jet asymmetric flying .
11 A substantial army marched on London , and although it was defeated and the leaders were put to death , to do so the King had to divert the force which was being prepared for the campaign in Scotland ( 73 , pp. 14–16 ) .
12 In 1923 , the collection opened to the public , but ten years later the mansion was declared a fire hazard and the paintings were moved to the recently built Philadelphia Museum of Art .
13 The one beside the church was used by the sexton and the others were let to tenants .
14 Negotiations were carried on in secret and the results were presented to shareholders as a fait accompli .
15 Briefly , the satisfiers were related to the job content and the dissatisfiers were related to job context , mainly company policy and environment .
16 I heard him come and the bolts were shot to .
17 Surprisingly , some cynics might say , 49 people did take up the offer and the details were sent to the club to effect the paperwork .
18 DNA from YAC y178–3 was gel-purified , immobilized on nylon filters , and the filters were hybridized to inserts amplified from a total cDNA library .
19 After long debate in Parliament , the condition was accepted and the collections were moved to Montague House to become the nucleus of the British Museum .
20 Well the Ministry of Defence came into Harrogate just over fifty years ago and the jobs were done to some e to a large extent by people who might never have come to Harrogate if the Ministry of Defence had not er brought them in .
21 Over 90 enquiries were made about classes and the names were passed to teachers operating in these areas .
22 In the meanwhile she took steps to settle in this country and the children were sent to school here .
23 In the end , though , this idea did n't work too successfully and the sockets were returned to their original configuration .
24 The social panic surrounding the emergence of the Teddy Boys formed part of a much wider structure of feeling in 1950s Britain that the social changes wrought on the postwar world were destroying the old ‘ British way of life ’ and the former civility of the British people , and the Teds were understood to be symptomatic of these social alterations .
25 Aquitaine and Provence , once they came into the hands of the Franks , were also divided , but with less concern for geography , and the units were subordinated to the kingdoms of the north .
26 In 1863 he died and the mills were leased to Reynolds and Allen , who remained there for some years .
27 The picture was not seen as ‘ a moment of time ’ but the wings were assumed to be spread for a long period ( Goldsmith , 1984 , pp.2–3 ) .
28 But the girls were taken to the same nursery while their mothers rested .
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