Example sentences of "[coord] a [noun sg] of people [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Well I think of evaluation as the process by which a person or a group of people have a fairly careful look at something they 're doing in order to try and decide whether it 's going well or badly , whether there are things in it they might wish to improve , and how valuable they think it is whether they might want to make changes in it in any way .
2 Yes , and a proportion of people do n't have education .
3 There was some shooting and a number of people lay dead on the church steps .
4 and a lot of people take the front wheel off the bicycle and take the front wheel into college with them
5 I mean , a lot of these grants go sporting wise , very few are arts type grants , and it 's something that a lot of people participate , and a lot of people get pleasure out of .
6 But if it is new and a lot of people go there , they will be angry , and it will be difficult to buy it .
7 And a lot of people go there to have a look .
8 And a lot of people have rallied round Terry Biddlecombe , very popular man , Injured Jockeys ' Fund among others and he 's back in the back in the swim fully employed and in action for Mackeson today at er Cheltenham .
9 I think probably the implications and a lot of people have er picked up on this as the policy has developed , is that er well they 're they 're concerned that the policy is in fact too flexible now because of how it is being interpreted by other people .
10 Mrs Coates said : ‘ We have had a lot of support getting this set up , many local firms have contributed and a lot of people have given their free time .
11 ‘ It is a relatively new technique and a lot of people have been sceptical about it but I am a firm believer in the method , ’ he said .
12 there 's very few of you here belong to it , I ca n't see your badges on , we have n't got ours on at the moment and a lot of people do n't even believe in Greenpeace .
13 which make it easier for you to stop and a lot of people do n't have the choice to stop , if you look at it in that sense .
14 It 's quite a story , and a lot of people do n't like it ; that woman 's son must be one of them .
15 It takes an hour and a lot of people do n't want to walk around the city they 'd like the option of going around on the bus .
16 Recognising you 've got a problem is fine , but changing it is the hardest part and a lot of people do n't do it .
17 and a lot of people do fight against it , and I , I can understand it er , it 's so different to me
18 There are a lot of archives , but there are even more archives than you imagine there are because there are actually erm a huge number of archives in private houses and castles in Germany that are not public archives , and a lot of people do n't even know about these .
19 Well well I want to understand more about Kuwait , though , as a result of this programme , and a lot of people do n't really know what it means to be Kuwaiti .
20 The trouble is that Crawford plays a foredoomed loser , and a lot of people find him far too likeable ; they think it a bit rotten to keep having the laugh on him . ’
21 Fromentin and Gerome see the soil of the South as colourless , and a lot of people see it like that .
22 Well er , that 's alright , I , I would n't , I look at the things which we do very well , erm , and a lot of people say
23 And a lot of people realise that the things they thought they were going to do ( marry for love and have three children ) or hoped to do ( swim for Great Britain ) are less likely to come true .
24 But a lot of people come out feeling a hell of a lot better .
25 Tonight , not an easy word to spell I mean you might think it is but a lot of people spell it incorrectly .
26 Yes , but a lot of people refuse to move down one .
27 It is still used for solvent extraction procedures such as extracting drugs to put them down a chromatography column , ‘ but a lot of people have been replacing it because of its carcinogenicity ’ .
28 But a lot of people have short memories . ’
29 They were glazed with ribbed glass , you could see quite a lot of them on Chipping Field , still , er and nearly everyone who 's bought their houses have altered the doors , but a lot of people have put these wooden doors in you know
30 No I did n't , my mother would n't let me have them but a lot of people have worn them .
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