Example sentences of "[coord] [am/are] [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When objects are subject to gravity or are otherwise attached to a deck , the silhouette is more significant than the ground line .
2 Many standards related to document processing have just been published or are currently going through the later stages of the ISO process on their way to becoming official standards .
3 The prices given are a guide line for the reader and are normally based on the cost of one person sharing a double or twin bedded room with breakfast included ( a single guest should expect to pay more ) .
4 The third type seem to be solid , and are largely confined to the lower half of the main cloud .
5 The seeds are embedded in a sticky material undigested by the bird 's gut and are either voided through the gut , or , as in mistletoe , the sticky seed is scraped off in crevices in bark by the bird , which has first removed the fruit structures .
6 Rather , they must be seen as sets of roles which , as soon as they exist , exploit one another and are thus engaged in the class struggle .
7 The strictness of the defence has unfortunate consequences for some controversial publications : distributors are prone to equate political radicalism with a propensity to libel , and are thus provided with a ready-made legal excuse for a decision not to stock them .
8 There are two things here which need to be distinguished : one is the structural , intensional , association between the adjective and the noun ( or , strictly speaking , between the property and the entity that they instantiate ) that form a phrase together and are jointly engaged in the business of identifying some entity ; the other is the referential link between the adjective and that to which it properly applies .
9 They may alter the predicted times of high or low water by up to one hour , but the effects are much less easy to quantify as winds are very variable and are strongly influenced by the topography of the local area .
10 These tiny soufflés make a delicious pre-dinner nibble and are strongly flavoured by the dried mushrooms .
11 The relationships between these two components have often been modelled almost as an afterthought , and are frequently represented in an inconsistent fashion .
12 These occupy relatively small areas of land and are frequently associated with a village , several hamlets , or a scatter of farmsteads .
13 The flattened whorls are particularly easy to recognize , and are frequently encountered in the soft , dark shales associated with coal seams .
14 Even as a measure of liability , it is of less importance now that shares are almost invariably issued on terms that they are to be fully paid up on or shortly after allotment and are frequently issued at a price exceeding their nominal value .
15 Those who have been unemployed for three or more years are not asked about their previous employment , and are thereby excluded from the survey .
16 Rocks and stones stand for immutability , and are also endowed with a spiritual quality .
17 They are waiting to hear from English Heritage and are also hoping for a grant from the East Hampshire District Council .
18 These specialized tactile hairs form the whiskers of the upper lips , and are also found on the cheeks and the chin , over the eyes and on the wrists of the forelegs .
19 Er G E C Marconi 's are the leader of a consortium , a four nation consortium of companies that are supplying the computer and are also contributing to the software .
20 Earthworms provide the perfect snack for most cichlids and are also relished by every other type of fish that can manage them .
21 Byrne reckons they 've been playing brill recently and are just waiting for a chance like this — but he was talking before they got turned over 0–3 by the makems last night .
22 All units have fitted carpets and are generously equipped to an exceptionally high standard , including household linen , colour TVs , stereo music centres , fridge/freezers , automatic washing machines and payphones .
23 These enormous structures vary with age and are closely related to the dominance of their owners in the hierarchy .
24 The Holgate school is a split-site Comprehensive in Hucknall , Nottinghamshire Information skills curricula have been developed for pupils throughout the school and are closely linked to the use of new technology .
25 Certainly , single-parent families are commoner among blacks , are worse for children and are perversely rewarded by the welfare system ( see pages 21–23 ) .
26 of the working population and are carefully targeted on the areas most in need .
27 Hand-knotted rugs are known as pile rugs , or simply as rugs , and are generally regarded as the most important and aesthetically satisfying manifestations of the oriental rug-maker 's art .
28 Acid lavas , such as those composed of rhyolite , which are derived from magma with a high silica content , are the most viscous and are generally erupted at the lowest temperatures ( Fig. 5.5 ) .
29 They are now smaller than their predecessors and are generally bound in a buff or blue cover .
30 LABELS — These carry valuable performance data based on laboratory testing and are generally found on the back of the carpet samples .
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