Example sentences of "[coord] [that] i [vb mod] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 o o or that I would want the hassle and not get the work .
2 I stammered something about not understanding cricket , totally incredulous that anyone should suppose I did understand it , or that I should regard the English side as ‘ we ’ .
3 ‘ I promise , ’ he told them , ‘ that I shall not fail your trust and that I shall lead the country to free elections .
4 So that I would n't get involved with careers officers I 'd actually make a jump and that I would do the three wise monkeys and Hilary .
5 Thus I deceived her into thinking that she had scared me , and that I would take the necessary steps to ward off fatality .
6 As my French was better than Brian 's , we agreed that I would do the talking and that I 'd choose a moment when Mazzin was in one of his camarade moods so that neither of us would be starting from a point of anger .
7 When the result of the canvass was conveyed to me I had no doubt whatever that it had been thorough and honest and that I could command the necessary support in Parliament .
8 I felt great when Mrs Smith said I looked pretty and that I could keep the dress .
9 I was hoping that P & I 's would be having a sale and that I could get a new concordance but she would n't even let me look .
10 I explained that I wanted to see her father on a matter of business , but that his office had been unable to tell me where he was , and that I could get no reply by telephoning his home .
11 ‘ She told me she always put the most beautiful girls next to Bernard when setting the table for a party , and that I should do the same , because you want to give the best to the man you love . ’
12 I think that this is important — I am sure that the House will agree that this is important and that I should explain the background to the answer that I have previously given .
13 They said it was out of date and that I should get a Parrot jacket like the one Adam Faith wears on telly .
14 In summer it is not so dense but that I can find the blackbird wherever it sings among its branches and not in Winter so agile but that its changing patterns are conspicuous against the sky , its sound an appreciable susurration using the harp strings of the wind .
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