Example sentences of "[coord] [pos pn] [noun pl] [vb base] to be " in BNC.

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1 Men die to win democracy for their countries , which after a while is taken grudgingly ; and its practitioners come to be seen as less skilled , worthy and entertaining than the aristocrats of sport .
2 Nevertheless , her life 's achievements in floral anatomy are considered the greatest effort since the early pioneering work sixty years previously , and her papers continue to be heavily cited .
3 The bourgeois women consider it flash to appear too attractive : they scorn make-up , their haircuts are severe , and their clothes tend to be dark green or beige .
4 ‘ Fans are the livelihood of the game and their views need to be sought constantly .
5 Before putting themselves forward for selection , potential candidates and their families need to be aware of the foreign country 's environment — for instance its language(s) , climate and culture , its housing and education facilities , what security is like , and where they will be living and working .
6 Even if the ethos does permit them to check out how they are doing , it remains unlikely that it will encourage anything more than a superficial sharing of doubts about what they are doing : about the disparity between their hopes for teaching and the effects , or lack of them , that they and their colleagues seem to be achieving .
7 In both cases the intronic ORFs and their introns seem to be intimately linked and appear to be propagated together .
8 More systems of help advice and support for elderly victims and their carers need to be provided .
9 Mr Klaus and his supporters claim to be the ‘ real ’ liberals , with their hard-headed free-market philosophy .
10 We become more long-sighted as we grow older , and our glasses need to be more powerful .
11 And our systems need to be consistent because in that way we can manage and control them and yet they need to deal with the variable requirements of our different categories of users .
12 Not , I hope , that ny of my staff or students would batter any of my old ladies but my machines have to be very solid and reliable .
13 The Fosse Way was presumably important in the town 's early development but its origins appear to be surprisingly complex .
14 The hexachloroantimonate , , is easier to obtain — from , and sulphur — but its reactions tend to be slow due to its poor solubility in most solvents .
15 But their actions tend to be anarchic and destructive , the product of intense resentment and wild , irrational hope .
16 Members of the cabinet are nominated by the president , but their appointments have to be confirmed by the Senate .
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