Example sentences of "[coord] [vb mod] also be [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Access rights are limited to tables and may also be restricted to combinations of read , update , and insert .
2 Light-sensitive photocell controllers can be used indoors and out : they will automatically turn on lights at dusk and may also be wired to a timer , to come on randomly .
3 A learner driver sitting behind the steering wheel is a driver even though the qualified driver has control of the vehicle as well and could also be said to be driving .
4 Cray Research Inc reports that Queen 's University of Belfast , Northern Ireland , has installed a Cray Y-MP EL entry level supercomputer system : it is the first Cray Research system anywhere in Ireland ; the machine , which lists for between $340,000 and $1.5m , will be used to run simulations in aerodynamics , quantum chemistry combustion modelling and physics and will also be linked to a more powerful Cray installed near Oxford , England .
5 News of a proposed relocation should not only be communicated to employees but should also be given to suppliers and customers .
6 The standard must be fixed by reference to the hypothetical reasonable parent and how he or she would act in certain circumstances but must also be related to the needs of the child in question .
7 The reference to the Irish not only brings to mind Swegen Forkbeard 's putative activities in the Irish Sea and Adam of Bremen 's story of his stay with a rex Scothorum ( ? king of the Irish ) , but can also be linked to the possibility that the Iehmarc who submitted in 1031 was Echmarcach Ragnallson , who replaced Sihtric Silkbeard as king of Dublin in 1036 .
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