Example sentences of "[coord] [vb -s] [conj] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Chapter 5 , on the New Testament ( DV 17–20 ) , likewise partly consists of rather conventional summaries ; but it does deal , firmly yet flexibly , with questions of the historicity of the Gospels , and agrees that the development of the Gospel tradition was influenced by oral transmission and preaching ( for allowing which , responsible scholars had been accused of heresy ) .
2 The convention establishes procedures for the transport and disposal of toxic waste , and insists that the country for which the waste is intended should agree to receive it before it leaves port — an effort to avoid incidents such as the 1988 voyage from port to port of the Karin B. Environmentalists have criticized the convention for its lack of " teeth " — enforcement is left to individual countries — and for its lack of precision on what constitutes acceptable disposal standards .
3 Rosalba closed her eyes , and beseeched heaven , not for the first time , ‘ Dear Lady , Lady who has known tears and cares and the love of God on earth , please help Serafina and give her lots of milk so she can make money and give her strength and stop people being unkind to her .
4 Our Lord is teaching in these parables and encounters that the pursuit of wealth can so easily become an obstacle to entering the Kingdom .
5 The patent for the vellum process was granted to James Edwards on 28 January 1785 , in London , and specifies that the parts of the skin to be decorated must be soaked in a solution of pearl ash and pressed .
6 The above fee quotes excluded VAT and assumes that the majority of meetings will be held in the UK .
7 One involves collision and occurs where the motion of two plates towards each other brings into contact two continents , a continent and an island arc or two island arcs .
8 The survey also points to a considerable rise in research and development investment , largely tied to pharmaceuticals , and says that the proportion of environmentally-linked spending should be 24 p.c. of the total in 1994 , against a level of 10 p.c. in 1991 .
9 Adam & Co managing director James Laurenson disputes that KPMG 's recommendations were not properly implemented and says that the letter to shareholders was simply ‘ their first line of defence in case of litigation ’ .
10 Melchiori in one place actually describes ‘ the I ’ as being ‘ the poet who voices his own feelings ’ , and says that the absence of the I form in some sonnets ‘ is an impediment to the dialogue , to the theatrical quality ’ , which he describes in disappointingly literal terms : ‘ Normally in Shakespeare 's Sonnets we find a truly dramatic dialogue between two characters : the persona of the poet himself ( the speaking I , not the man William Shakespeare ) ’ — a welcome disclaimer ! — ‘ and a ‘ you ’ , the actor playing the role of a lovely boy , a worthy or unworthy mistress , possibly a rival poet' .
11 Michael Clark , first secretary at the Canadian High Commission in London , admits to being " horrified " by some of the logging practices he has seen and says that the dispute between his government and the campaigners is not about the importance of conserving ancient forest but about how much of it should be conserved .
12 Pastor Szalatnay was in Transylvania last month and says that the atmosphere among local Hungarian intellectuals is one of expectation .
13 It is English , probably dating from c.1540–50 , and confirms that the type of coffin depicted in the Bedford and Egerton manuscripts was in use in Britain .
14 This study confirms that subcutaneous infusion of caerulein induced acute oedematous pancreatitis that was accompanied by a marked increase in the content of endogenous platelet activating factor in the pancreatic tissue and shows that the pretreatment with highly specific and potent platelet activating factor blocker ( TCV-309 ) ameliorated the biochemical , circulatory , and histological manifestations of caerulein induced pancreatic damage .
15 Bland also discusses the use of the Laplace transform technique in linear viscoelasticity and shows that the solution of a viscoelastic problem can be found from the solution of the corresponding elastic problem provided that the Laplace transforms of the boundary conditions exist , by a correspondence principle .
16 Returning now to the referral and investigation work undertaken by the team between October 1987 and March 1988 , Table 3 provides some detail about the range of activities on which the total time of 253 hours was spent and shows that the bulk of the activity time was spent in direct contact with children and/or their caregivers .
17 Skilbeck ( 1981 ) , in the Australian context , also wonders whether teachers are yet ready for the task , and states that the importance of in-service education and training has not yet been recognised .
18 It turns out that Heisenberg is universally limiting and requires that the uncertainties of any such pair of quantities should satisfy unc in obvious generalisation of [ 2 ] .
19 The abstract states that post-retirement benefits other than pensions are liabilities and requires that the principles of SSAP 24 , Accounting for Pension Costs , should be applied to their measurement and disclosure in financial statements relating to accounting periods ending on or after 23 December 1994 .
20 The impression is sometimes given by Ministers and judges that the size of the prison population is in some sense a product of forces of nature beyond political or judicial control .
21 It admits that funds are needed for training and basic equipment , and finds that the principles of community care have often not been fully understood .
22 This gives a much bigger ‘ sweet spot ’ for the golfer to use and ensures that the effect of a slightly off-centre strike is minimised .
23 The duty of good faith is owed between would-be partners from the start of their negotiations and endures until the winding-up of the firm is completed by the distribution of its surplus assets .
24 Recent evidence calls this focus into question , and indicates that the spread of AIDS is a matter of high risk practices rather than group membership .
25 This model of the heroin ‘ epidemic ’ is depicted in Figure 3.3 , and implies that the prevalence of known heroin use would peak around 1988–9 .
26 She 'd been involved with fairs and circuses since the age of fourteen , when she 'd run off with a Wall of Death rider on his motorbike .
27 I wish to call attention to the need for regional government in England , and I beg to move , ’ That this House deplores the excessive centralisation of government in the United Kingdom since 1979 and the failure to decentralise and devolve power to the nations and regions of the United Kingdom ; notes that this is in direct contrast to the general trend towards decentralisation evidence elsewhere in Europe ; furthermore deplores the severe cuts in the regional assistance budget since 1979 together with the failure to enact dynamic and effective regional economic policies which would have promoted balanced economic growth and prosperity ; expresses alarm at the regional divisions which continue to characterise the United Kingdom economy ; and considers that the creation of a regional tier of government in the English regions as well as national devolution to Scotland and Wales is now vital to the United Kingdom 's future economic and political well-being .
28 Their involvement with the child and his or her family begins at diagnosis and continues until the outcome of the case is resolved , either by the cure or by the death of the patient .
29 It examines the status of the metalingual propositions which de Man formulates in this mode as the allegorical meanings of literary texts , and claims that the critique of reference assembled by these readings is subverted by the movements in point of view in the argument .
30 Indeed , the publisher seems to have recognised these shortcomings of the first issue , and claims that the brief of the journal is being broadened .
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