Example sentences of "[coord] [was/were] [vb pp] for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Portions of the supernatants were evaporated in a vacuum oven at 40°C , dissolved in 0.05 mol/l sodium acetate buffer ( pH 6.2 ) , and were analysed for cyclic AMP by using an acetylated [ 1 2 5 I ] radioimmunoassay procedure ( New England Nuclear kit ) .
2 Five patients had experienced symptoms suggestive of cow 's milk allergy ( urticaria ( one ) , loose stools ( one ) , vomiting ( two ) , diarrhoea ( one ) ) and were admitted for diagnostic milk challenge after four weeks ' milk elimination .
3 15ml reactions contained 5 ml of undiluted nuclear extract ( obtained from ∼10 6 cells ) , 5U of calf intestinal phosphatase and were incubated for 2 hours at 37°C in a buffer containing 20 mM HEPES pH8.0 , 20 mM MgCl 2 , 40 mM KCl and 0.6 mM PMSF .
4 These ironworks were built in 173 6 and were worked for 130 years , exploiting local iron ore deposits .
5 There was also " … a considerable quantity of small ore which was got at the beginning of the work and can not be weighed until stamped or broken by an Engine and washed for which purpose they are going to erect one to go be water with all speed and were disstressed for some sycamore wood for the water wheel . "
6 The skipper and one other man were convicted of smuggling , each having to pay £1392 , and were gaoled for six months , with a further sentence of six months should the fines be unpaid within three months .
7 Some were from a local technical college and were taken for short periods .
8 One monoclonal antibody , KS128 , demonstrated high expression on freshly prepared peripheral blood lymphocytes ( PBL ) , monocytes and granulocytes ( data not shown ) and was selected for further study .
9 The reserve goalkeeper held on to the place for four months , and was selected for several weeks after Grobbelaar returned to action with the reserves .
10 The reserve goalkeeper held on to the place for four months , and was selected for several weeks after Grobbelaar returned to action with the reserves .
11 Claire , of Gipsy Hill , south-east London , needed 10 stitches and was treated for black eyes and severe bruises at King 's College Hospital .
12 It had first been established in 1979 , and was renewed for three years in 1989. * Evidence has emerged of continued " pirate whaling " in the south Atlantic .
13 He was fined £250 plus £25 costs , had his licence endorsed and was disqualified for one year .
14 He had two operations to repair torn ligaments in his left knee and was sidelined for 18 months during his spell with Italian club Pisa .
15 A strike by some 1,000 oil workers at Morocco 's largest oil refinery began on April 19 and was extended for 48 hours at a time until early May .
16 So let's sum up , I treated a similar case with 5 times the amount of fluid than the article used , the case was solid the next day and was viewed for 3 days and had no greying off and the colour was really good .
17 No. 16 was sent there early in 1928 and was gone for some time .
18 Desimir set out with his six wagonloads of treasure , and was gone for three years .
19 He was told he had been given every opportunity to pay , and was jailed for 32 days .
20 He was sacked from the Mint — and was jailed for nine months at Cardiff Crown Court yesterday .
21 Slater , of Redcar Road , Middlesbrough , admitted reckless driving , assault and criminal damage in April and was jailed for four months and banned from driving for the same period .
22 Ryman , of Spalding , Lincs , admitted manslaughter with diminished responsibility and was jailed for five years .
23 Married Smith , from Walsall , West Midlands , admitted seven charges of deception and theft , and was jailed for two years .
24 But the company and police trapped Portuguese-born Antonio Quintas , 37 , a waiter , of Victoria Road , Portslade , East Sussex , who admitted blackmail and was jailed for six years .
25 He admitted burglary , handling stolen goods and allowing himself to be carried in a stolen car and was jailed for 21 months yesterday by Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court .
26 In court 23 year old Colin Longmuir admitted causing a breach of the peace at the couples home , and was jailed for three months .
27 At a Salzburg meeting on June 24-25 , originally timetabled with the intention that it would mark the conclusion of the EEA negotiations , the fisheries issue again proved intractable , and was referred for further discussion by the joint high-level negotiating group ( HLNG ) , while in the joint communiqué ministers " reaffirmed their joint commitment to conclude the negotiations before the summer break " .
28 Cimetidine was introduced as a prescription drug in Denmark in 1977 and was accepted for general reimbursement in 1981 .
29 Hence the community of subsequently famous musicians ( the Amadeus Quartet , Egon Wellesz , Peter Stadlen ) , architects ( Bruno Ahrends , Schwitters ) , scholars ( Richard Friedenthal , Stefan Zweig 's literary executor ) , and above all , perhaps , Eugen Spier , who was one of the moving political and industrial spirits behind British anti-Nazism throughout the 1930s , and was imprisoned for two years in spite of very high level representations ( another Official Secret never explained ) .
30 He admitted the charge and was imprisoned for three years .
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