Example sentences of "[coord] [is] [adv] [adv] [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 It is well exemplified by the 1990 book Prison Crisis ( by the journalist Peter Evans ) , and is even better summarized by the following extract from a newspaper article of 1977 ( Humphry and May , 1977 ) :
2 The park is beneath a major flight path and is already severely affected by aircraft noise .
3 But there is another , perhaps rather less obvious , reason to avoid candid recording which is associated with the subject 's self-image and is most easily understood by continuing to draw a parallel with photography .
4 This is friendly Borrins Moor Cave and is most easily located by following Alum Pot Beck upstream from Alum Pot to the point where it passes through a gap in the field wall .
5 It is a yearning for Palestine which permeates the whole refugee community and is most ardently espoused by the younger refugees , for whom home exists only in the imagination .
6 One of the older professional methods , the use of the gin trap , has been phased out and is no longer allowed by law .
7 How those causes are identified will affect political priorities and is also partly influenced by them .
8 Patrice Orfilat , a fearful , whimpering wretch bearing a grudge against Thorez whom , he assumes , had prevented him from being nominated as a PCF candidate for the 1936 elections , petrified at the thought of war and his own death , attempts to find a job in the Foreign Affairs Ministry , and is ultimately disdainfully rebuffed by an orthodox party member unperturbed by the Nazi-Soviet pact .
9 The determination and effective preparedness of the nuclear powers to mount an instant all-out nuclear counter-strike the moment it perceives itself to be under nuclear attack must be condemned as an illegitimate threat of force , and is rightly so condemned by the world 's peace movement .
10 It was designed as a list of subject headings for use in the dictionary catalogues of medium-sized libraries and is still widely used by school and small public libraries , particularly in the United States .
11 The London Eights Head is on the afternoon of the 20th , and is usually heavily supported by Scottish crews .
12 Oct-11b , in contrast , does not have any of the introns we identified in Oct-11a and is therefore probably derived by retroposition .
13 The idea of a selfish herd is W. D. Hamilton 's , and is perhaps best explained by his own imaginary example .
14 Despite the salutary scepticism of David Hume this scholastic convention has survived right down to the present day and is perhaps best explained by saying that when intellectuals who have the mental habits of university professors are invited to specify the distinguishing criteria of human beings they end up by producing a self-image of themselves .
15 Ionithermie works by a combination of thermal clay and two kinds of safe , therapeutic electric current and is only ever administered by fully trained beauty therapists .
16 Ciccolini plays with great flair and is very ably accompanied by Baudo and the Paris Orchestra , who really seem to relish their moments of glory .
17 Of course , Britain 's bosses have to be setting an example and obviously leadership has to emanate from the top , and is very often done by example .
18 The law concerning nullity and divorce has been considerably reformed in recent years , and is now mostly governed by the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 .
19 The establishment is open but once a week at present and is then usually manned by a civilian worker .
20 We found that the decision to end a marriage tends to be unilateral , and is more often taken by the wife ; there is widespread evidence of regret , but this is confined to one party in most cases ; while some members of the divorcing population allege that divorce is ‘ too easy ’ , these people will often say that they themselves have struggled with their marital problems for many years .
21 The third test appears first in Lord Pearce 's judgment but is most clearly stated by Lord Wilberforce : No exhaustive test can be stated — probably no precise non-exhaustive test .
22 The degree to which this is possible is largely determined by the prevalent market conditions , but is also partly influenced by your knowledge of the subject ; the more you know about oriental rugs , the better your chances of negotiating a favourable price .
23 Similarly , the MSc/Diploma in Community Education has built up a reputation within the UK but is also strongly supported by agencies funding students from overseas .
24 It was one of those very profound observations which was misunderstood at the time but is now widely accepted by Roman Catholic scholars among others .
25 Coding can be done by interviewers to give them a break and to sustain their interest , but is more usually done by special staff .
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