Example sentences of "[coord] [vb mod] [not/n't] be [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 As the report itself makes clear , ‘ statistical comparisons serve as a pointer only to possible differences in service efficiency which may or may not be borne out by further investigations ’ .
2 No sooner had the Colonel stumped out , his face flushed with a moral indignation that might or might not be sustained as far as Eaton Square and the Foreign Secretary 's residence , than the telephone rang .
3 CAO expressed disappointment that we did not seem to agree with him on this point but added that he was faced with a grave administrative problem with hundreds of thousands of German PoWs on his hands and could not bother at this time about who might or might not be turned over to the Russians and Partisans to be shot .
4 Kirk then stated that he could not concur in the order and that Robertson expressed his disappointment , but stated that he could not " bother at this time who might or might not be handed over to be shot " and would send his telegram anyway .
5 Moreover , in 1973 one deputy minister of foreign trade described the deficiencies in Soviet marketing as follows : ‘ While we were only beginning to understand that before entering the marketplace we had to study it , determining which machinery could or could not be supplied where , as well as how to organise the work involved , capitalist firms had already created a whole science to deal with the question , coordinating production , advertising and commercial activity into a single discipline ’ ( N. Smeliakov , Novy mir , 12 ( Dec. ) 1973 , 216–17 ) .
6 We suppose that 's a rule in our minds and that explains our judgments about for example and proform substitution and so on that 's so we define the notion of a constituent plus label it with brackets , and then we make certain predictions about operations that can or ca n't be performed on .
7 Congress alone has the power to decide whether the present laws can or can not be amended so as to carry out more effectively the objects of law .
8 Sometimes when it is really cold , and it rains heavily all day long , some of the horses that we normally stable overnight are kept in longer , and may not be put out in the paddock until the next day when the rain has stopped .
9 He has n't come here for the Portrush air and must not be written off . ’
10 Modern educational theory has strongly promoted the idea that individual differences are intrinsic and must not be ironed out .
11 He ran back and into the house , first to his own room , and then into the other half of the cottage , feeling a strange compulsion to find something , as if there were some crucial thing , upon which everything else depended , which was still hidden and must not be left behind .
12 This volume identifier must be the one used with the VMS INITIALIZE command and must not be changed thereafter .
13 ‘ In terms of day-to-day government , you ca n't and should n't be torn apart by two vested interests , ’ says Maginnis , a convinced devolutionist .
14 Values such as fairness , honesty , and integrity are values worth pursuing in themselves , and should not be shrugged off by reverting to some contervailing argument such as costs .
15 As museums keep asking for more public money , should they not heed public opinion , which is that works of art exist to be seen and should not be stashed away in cellars but should be got up and out and on view ?
16 Would it be heresy to suggest that such a committee need not be composed entirely of educationists and should not be composed entirely of specialists in curriculum development .
17 Such ideas , and lessons of history , are clearly of fundamental importance and should not be dismissed out of hand .
18 He argues that the small firms sector is particularly well situated to benefit from the wider enterprise opportunities offered by the single market and should not be tied down by EC red tape .
19 Evidently , these hot-headed phrases are coined haphazardly in the aftermath of important defeats and should not be taken too seriously unless there is an underlying cause for concern .
20 Downriver , two insignificant openings on the north bank admit to half a mile of underground passages : these are subject to flooding and should not be entered by other than experienced cavers .
21 The constant updating of all media contacts should be of top priority and should not be put off and off until a spare moment arrives .
22 Neutrophils , eosinophils , and basophils were too few to count and could not be analysed further .
23 And the more he succumbed to the allure of his own Führer cult and came to believe in his own myth , the more his judgement became impaired by faith in his own infallibility , losing his grip on what could and could not be achieved solely through the strength of his ‘ will ’ .
24 My father had recruited three young gypsies who had not been and could not be called up for the Navy .
25 If war broke out in the Far East ‘ our present forces in Korea would be a military liability and could not be maintained there without substantial reinforcement prior to the initiation of hostilities ’ .
26 In addition , 24 response sheets were returned because the user had changed address and could not be contacted either by the agency concerned and/or the user 's family .
27 The threat from Wales grew steadily , and could not be suffered any longer .
28 The cost was exclusively for the benefit of the business and could not be carried forward in the accounts as an asset after the lease expired .
29 The girl had darted into a dark stretch of the corridor , and could not be found easily .
30 SunSoft president Ed Zander says SMP/MT is very machine specific and could n't be fleshed out in Solaris 2.0 .
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