Example sentences of "[coord] [vb mod] [adv] be [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He therefore directed that if J. were to suffer a life-threatening event while in the health authority 's care and the required drugs and equipment were or could reasonably be made available , the health authority should cause such measures ( including artificial ventilation ) to be applied so long as they were capable of prolonging his life .
2 By his order dated 12 May 1992 Waite J. directed that in the interim pending a further hearing in the events that ( 1 ) J. 's medical condition changed so that his life was threatened but was capable of being prolonged by intensive therapeutic measures including artificial ventilation , and ( 2 ) he was at that time in the health authority 's care and ( 3 ) the required drugs and equipment were or could reasonably be made available , the health authority were to cause such measures , including artificial ventilation , to be applied to J. for so long as they were capable of prolonging his life .
3 Area Health Authority , ( iii ) that the required drugs and equipment are or could reasonably be made available , the …
4 Although the order is subject to the condition precedent that ‘ the required drugs and equipment are or could reasonably be made available , ’ it makes no reference to the availability of staff and it has to be borne in mind that artificial ventilation of a young child in an intensive care unit is highly intensive of highly skilled staff .
5 If such an allotment would be prohibited by foreign law , or would only be permitted subject to compliance with onerous filing or other obligations , the scheme can be modified in relation to the overseas shareholders in question by providing for the consideration securities to be allotted to an independent trustee who will then sell the securities and account to the shareholders with the net proceeds .
6 This viewpoint has been expressed as follows : ‘ the mere hint by anyone concerned that the law may come in is the surest sign that things are or will soon be going wrong . ’
7 These whales can presumably identify each other from their calls , and may even be exchanging much more information .
8 Specified users must be LIFESPAN users and must also be registered relational database users .
9 Some naturalists argued that all characters should be taken into account when determining relationships , but others claimed that some characters were more fundamental than others and should thus be given more weight .
10 In all cases , financial statements are representations of the entity and its management and should never be considered those of the firm .
11 When Maggie tried to tell Phoebe about her gruelling embarrassment Phoebe just laughed and told her she was turning into a bourgeois little creep and should perhaps be taking domestic science and dress-making .
12 Presumably the justification is that D has already crossed a high moral/social threshold in choosing to commit such a serious offence , and should therefore be held liable for whatever consequences ensue , however unforeseeable they may be .
13 Prayer for strength is appropriate at any stage of our lives and might well be made daily but that does not invalidate the usefulness of marking one day in our life when someone prays over us in public and asks that out of the treasures of his glory , God may grant you strength and power through his spirit in your inner being that through faith cast may dwell in your hearts in love .
14 However , this is followed in Article 92(3) by a further list of aids which may be , but which are not automatically , considered to be compatible with the common market , and could therefore be granted discretionary exemption from the general proscription .
15 These people have met new friends , gained in confidence and , most of all , self respect and would rather be doing some form of work rather than wasting away at home .
16 Here it could be wedged among the reeds , and would eventually be picked clean .
17 On assumptions similar to those made in the preceding paragraph Labour would win 21 of the 30 constituency seats , would have a claim to 25 seats altogether , and would therefore be awarded four list seats .
18 As Robert Sklar has suggested the music-halls and vaudeville were essentially down-town or city-centre entertainments and would therefore be attracting typical down-town audiences , which would consist of an alliance of regulars , casuals , workers , clerks , parvenus , and Bohemians .
19 This week it 's our drama series , Family Pride , the country 's first Asian soap opera , which goes out at teatime on Thursdays and will soon be shown three nights a week on Channel Four .
20 Atomic power stations to be built in areas of outstanding natural beauty in Britain will have an initial life of only 20 years and will then be left derelict , the president of the Ramblers Association tells members in South Durham and North Yorkshire at their annual meeting in Darlington .
21 Scotland has led the way in setting limits to waiting-times for operations and will now be reducing these further .
22 Horse and mare in 16a and b do not represent a genuine but contextually restricted form of synonymy : their semantic distinctness remains , and can easily be made manifest .
23 Shallow metaphors and deep metaphors require inferencing to access the metaphoric domains , and can thus be termed invisible metaphors ( an example would be I love the sun , taken to be an utterance of Romeo referring to Juliet ) .
24 The years since 1898 have seen many changes tending to increase the circle of people to whom the accountant owes a duty of care and can therefore be held liable .
25 These possibilities exist because some of the meanings which human beings find in experience depend on symbols and can only be given symbolic expression .
26 It is usually served well chilled , but may also be eaten warm .
27 They can not be ignored , but should always be given low weight compared with other terms in the search .
28 Wooden shuttering would char in the process , but could still be used several times .
29 The big difference between it and option one is that the government would not be us ing social-security receipts to reduce its outstanding debt but would instead be making multi-trillion-dollar investment decisions in the private economy .
30 This technology will not only be of use to the programme itself , but can also be made available at state and local levels .
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