Example sentences of "[coord] [vb mod] [adv] [be] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Cairo is now being described as the next major release of NT , and may well be the release that the market waits for before deciding to commit to NT .
2 Cairo is now being described as the next major release of NT , and may well be the release that the market waits for before deciding to commit to NT .
3 ON the golf course , 1989 was a vintage to declare and may well be the source of good things to come in the publishing world .
4 In extensive trials throughout Europe this method of control has given good results and may well be the forerunner of other similar devices .
5 This may seem rather unlikely in the very limited capacity loop in the model and may simply be a fraction of semantic memory .
6 It is a distinction which may in the end prove more suggestive than serviceable : the author who tells , and who can be accounted something of a ventriloquist , may well , for instance , be more than capable of carnival , and may even be every bit as plural in his works as his dialogic counterpart .
7 However , a direct vasomotor effect of central neuropeptide Y on the nepatic artery vasculature , resulting in increased blood flow , can not be ruled out entirely and may indeed be the mechanism causing the observed effect on biliary secretion in dogs where the arterial component to blood flow is significant as opposed to rats .
8 Retirement is a time of great change and should also be a time for development .
9 Probably this is due , more than anything else , to the sheer quantity of plant material and could thus be a measure of area .
10 Protectionism it seemed , was not necessarily a hindrance and could even be a help in the transformation of an economy .
11 The C-terminal cytosolic portion of the human histamine H 2 receptor exhibits several sites at which serines are flanked by basic residues and could therefore be a substrate for protein kinase C. It has also bee suggested that protein kinase C uncouples a receptor for glucagon-29 from Gs by phosphorylating the receptor .
12 The skills involved in communicating information well are , I think , often underestimated , and could usefully be the subject for extensive practical workshops as part of a responsible continuing education programme .
13 All the ingenious forms of longer-term borrowing undertaken by the United States from overseas monetary authorities merely changed the form of these liabilities , and could only be a stop-gap .
14 Again I felt fear and panic well up inside me , but again decided that this could not help in any way and would simply be a waste of the valuable energy which I would need to get through this difficult time .
15 This would be the result of a majority decision won by individuals upholding the Second Choice and would therefore be a unit of ‘ goodness ’ contributing to the Created God .
16 The permitted user will of course depend upon the use for which the tenant wishes to use the premises and will also be a matter of negotiation .
17 Canon 's Ion digital video camera is being marketed as an IBM-PC kit at £1,000 and will soon be an Apple Macintosh kit .
18 However , an investment manager ( such as an IMRO member ) who uses a firm as a broker will not be a market counterparty under this head , and will thus be a customer unless he falls in the listed categories test category of market counterparty ; in particular , this means that the best execution rules will apply .
19 Newco will usually be acquiring a trade and will therefore be a trading company rather than an investment company from the outset .
20 And yet , since at least the time of Hegel and Marx , we have been increasingly aware that , as Enzensberger 's paraphrase of Marx has it , " What is going on in our minds has always been , and will always be a product of society " .
21 I believe that there was never a time when you did n't exist and will never be a time when you cease to exist .
22 One of the main reasons is that our system of democratic parliamentary self-government is incompatible with the Brussels machine , which has an unelected Commission with the sole power of initiative and right of veto , a Council of Ministers which legislates in secret , the so-called Parliament , which is not really a Parliament , has no roots in this country and will never be the focus of the hopes , aspirations and loyalties of our people , and a Community court , which in many ways is a political court and engine of federalism , standing above Parliament .
23 ( Curling at the edges is not necessarily a fault , and can often be a sign that the rug has been very finely and tightly knotted , but unless the curling is rectified , usually be sewing leather strips along the edges , the rug may suffer uneven wear and tear . )
24 Geldings can often be very unpredictable in their behaviour towards other horses , and can sometimes be a problem paddocked with mares .
25 A terrestrial plant will always be stunted in growth and assimilation and can never be a match for a true aquatic plant .
26 In some respects , today 's emphasis on women 's rights , literature and issues may not only be a drive to increase women 's standing in relation to men , but may rather be a celebration of the rediscovery of the shared communication that women have .
27 An employee works for an organisation , but may also be a member of a trade union .
28 Apart from this quibble , I do find that the whole performance has a slightly veiled and subdued quality about it , which may in part be attributable to microphone placement and the dull acoustics of Avery Fisher Hall , but may equally be the result of both orchestra and conductor being reluctant to take risks on such an auspicious occasion .
29 And this filled the perverse daughter with a great desire to go even a little way into the wild wood , where there were no plates and no stitching , but might well be a need of such things as she knew she had it in herself to perform .
30 ( 1 ) A registered club may apply to the sheriff for any one of the following orders : ( a ) an order providing that during the winter period the permitted hours in the club on weekdays shall not be those set out in section 53(3) of this Act , but shall instead be the period between eleven in the morning and two in the afternoon and the period between four and half-past ten in the evening or alternatively be the said periods on weekdays other than Saturday , and on Saturday be the period between one in the afternoon and half-past ten in the evening ; or ( b ) an order providing that during the winter period the permitted hours in the club on Sundays shall not be those set out in the said section 53(3) , but shall instead be the period between half-past twelve and two in the afternoon and the period between four and nine in the evening ; or ( c ) an order which contains both the aforesaid provisions ; and the sheriff shall , if in his opinion the conditions set out in subsection ( 2 ) below are satisfied , make the order applied for .
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