Example sentences of "[coord] [vb mod] [adv] [verb] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The dividend may be expressed as a fixed percentage of the nominal or paid up value of the shares , or may even extend to participation in any dividends declared over and above that fixed amount .
2 The second solution sounds sensible and may well appeal to politicians .
3 Plying this area with yet more oil , in the form of creamy cleansers and heavy moisturisers , will exacerbate the problem of excessive shine , and may also contribute to outbreaks of spots .
4 Apart from contract law there may be liability in negligence which does not depend on a contractual relationship and may even extend to others involved in the development of the system such as the experts who provided the knowledge contained in the system .
5 ‘ What is worrying for hotels is that the training course market is tasting a new set of standards , and may never return to hotels , ’ she said .
6 However , not all of the necessary supporting organisations , personnel , equipment and stores can be transported by air , and must therefore sail to Safra .
7 You will be taught about hazards both in the classroom and on the wards and should always adhere to procedures and policies laid down for the safety of patients and yourself .
8 Where such a transaction had taken place there were no problems , but naturally any forced seizures caused bitterness and could well lead to bloodshed .
9 A world energy shortage is far more dangerous and could even lead to wars .
10 ‘ The setting of an arbitrary limit of 2,000 prescriptions per month before payment of the new allowances will adversely affect and could even lead to closure of up to one in five pharmacists in Cheshire .
11 If the dog drops down as commanded then it will be unlikely to disturb the horses , which may otherwise be unnerved and could even attempt to bolt off .
12 His mount put in a series of sticky jumps and could never get to grips with Twin Oaks , who made all and came home clear for his eighth win over fences at the Lancashire course .
13 Why should the fact that D was engaged on causing damage to property at the time ( even damage to D's own property ) make his conduct into an offence punishable with life imprisonment when , if D were engaged on some other activity , it would not be punishable as such and would only amount to manslaughter if a death happened to be caused ?
14 But what alarmed and frightened her most and had her leaping for her pen was this talk of ‘ us ’ , of Oreste and Ellen being a pair who were ‘ happy together ’ and would never come to Italy .
15 She hated anything deceitful or dishonest and would never listen to tittle-tattle about another girl behind her back .
16 Durham Euro-MP Stephen Hughes will speak to first year pupils at St John 's Comprehensive School later this month and will also speak to students at the town 's Sixth Form Centre .
17 Meyer will return home for a few weeks after this weekend 's race , and will then fly to Britain , where she will set up base for about four months , competing on the European circuit in her build-up for the World Championships in Stuttgart , where she will no doubt meet McColgan again .
18 it has more explanatory power because it involves direct observation and can hence lead to remedies .
19 The inevitable over-simplification , if not actual misrepresentation , of the richness , complexity and dynamism of religious traditions can be deeply offensive to religious believers and can even lead to charges of racism .
20 This contains a software interface for personal computers and can also link to devices such as synthesisers or video recorders .
21 This is one of the most crucial periods when breeding any of the gouramis as the babies are very small and can easily starve to death if enough food is not in front of their noses .
22 If it is true that meaning reduces to use , then surely all mention of " identity " is inappropriate and can only lead to confusion .
23 Additionally , changes in the money supply not only affect individual holders of money , but may also lead to inflation and so inject a degree of instability into the economy .
24 Now I I mentioned some of the things on income tax where i know it does n't er apply to the people in the group but may well do to relatives of them .
25 Now what the Capitulary of Thionville actually says is : ‘ When famine or plague occurs , men should not wait for our edict but should straightway pray to God for his mercy ; as to scarcity of food in this present year , let each man help his own people as best he can , and not sell his corn at too high a price . ’
26 Roger did not do as well as hoped in his ‘ A ’ levels , but will probably go to Birmingham to do a BSc in Computer Engineering .
27 He also holds an engagement at Sandown on Friday but will only travel to Esher in the event of Chepstow — where it continues to rain heavily — being abandoned .
28 If he is wise , he need not deal with the latter in his guiding lectures , but will merely refer to books in which these simpler topics are well set out .
29 This affects petrochemicals and metal manufacturing but can also extend to processes like whisky bottling .
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