Example sentences of "[coord] [subord] she [verb] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Or if she had come to his place and told Gina to bugger off , obeying his instructions , he might have rewarded her and let her move in with him permanently .
2 ‘ For instance , if someone had n't heard from a man friend for — oh , for a couple of weeks or so-when he 'd said vaguely he 'd ring — I mean , she might wonder if there was something wrong , if he was ill , or if she 'd offended in some way .
3 She wondered where she was , and if she had gone with Patrick .
4 ‘ I wondered if she had gone through the same situation and if she had got into the car . ’
5 I wondered if she had gone through the same situation and if she had got into the car .
6 Unless she sees a local advertisement , she will have little knowledge of job opportunity and if she has moved into the district from elsewhere , she may have difficulty in assessing the employment prospects .
7 And although his eyes did n't seem to move the prickle of her skin sensed that he had n't missed a thing , from the mass of dark hair which was now half-up and half-down , to the crazy oranges-and-lemons earrings which she 'd clipped on because — well , just because it was Saturday and sunny , and because she had felt like it .
8 She had lived all her life in the street running alongside the railway , and since she had retired from her late father 's business , a haberdashery store in Wimbledon , since she had sold it to a family from Northampton for a good price , Hannah Worthington walked each day to the shop at the end of the street .
9 And then she heard the low whistle — once , twice , and a third time ; and while she lay frozen by terror into indecision , a yet more dreadful possibility occurred : what if Tristram were caught , and were led to believe that she had betrayed him ?
10 And after she had succeeded in doing it once , Sylvia began to reverse the whole process so that those signs of panic would never appear again .
11 She reached down to the floor where her candle stood , and when she 'd groped for the matches , which proved , as always , astonishingly difficult to locate , she lit it .
12 Roz got up to answer it , and when she 'd vanished into the lounge , Hatch added , ‘ Jack 'll never show .
13 And when she had risen on the wings of ecstasy , then , the tip of his prying tongue alighted upon her dinky bottom-hole .
14 She had already thrown yesterday 's damp tea-leaves on to the parlour carpet , and when she had finished in the surgery would take a small , hard hand-brush and , down on her knees yet again , would painstakingly sweep them all up into a dustpan , to remove the previous day 's dirt and dust , Miss Mates said , and purify the air .
15 Somewhere between the time when they had fallen into an exhausted sleep and when she had woken to this grey dawn , all the joy and magic of what they had shared had faded , and she had been overcome by doubts .
16 She was aware that these could be developed by investigative work , but once she became immersed in the new curriculum , struggling on occasions to keep her head above water , she began to lose sight of these objectives , focusing instead on the more familiar content objectives .
17 But if she 'd wanted to she could easily have told him something that would have stopped him dead in his tracks .
18 Oh , the benison of it , she thought , for she seemed to need comfort now , not only because she was tired after the journey and far away from John , but because she had admitted to herself that she loved him , had let her love sweep over her like a kind of illness , ‘ giving in ’ to flu , conscious only of the present moment .
19 He might call her McAllister , but since she had fled from him she had become Sally-Anne again .
20 She swept back a handful of Lucy 's hair and pinned it up , first on one side and then on the other ; but before she 'd reached for the scissors to begin , Charlie 's face appeared around the doorway .
21 Mrs Froggatt organised bring and buy sales to raise cash for the organisation , but after she 'd sent off a check for more than three hundred pounds she heard nothing more .
22 At the moment her eyes were coaxing as they turned on Alain , but when she had looked at Jenna there had been a coldness that was quickly hidden .
23 Every instinct in her told her not to care , but as she had looked at him she had been all too aware of his lean virility and of her responses to it .
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