Example sentences of "[coord] [subord] it is [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 An alternative approach which has a number of advantages over linear control systems , is the switching regulator , or as it is more usually known , the ‘ switch-mode power supply ’ .
2 His public pronouncements are unequivocal in this respect , and although it is clearly not possible to accept such public pronouncements as the definitive expression of a man 's innermost beliefs and convictions , and although it is also evidently the case that to be published in L'Humanite and Ce Soir inevitably necessitates obedience to the party line , nonetheless the consistency and vigour with which Nizan presented an entirely positive view of developments within the Soviet Union are an instructive antidote to those critics desperately searching for evidence of Nizan 's growing anti-Stalinism/anti-communism during this period .
3 Although it has recently become fashionable to subject judges to ( usually ill-informed ) public criticism , even in Parliament , and although it is no longer unknown for demands for the removal of judges to be voiced in the House of Commons ( as when Sir John Donaldson incurred opprobrium as President of the National Industrial Relations Court for applying the law which Parliament itself had passed ) Parliament has still , in modern times , to remove a judge in this manner .
4 Glasgow , an industrial city beside the Clyde noted for shipbuilding , is larger than Edinburgh , and although it is not as beautiful as Scotland 's capital , its university was founded more than 100 years earlier , its art galleries are even more distinguished , its theatrical tradition is stronger , its churches possibly grimier , and its football teams more famous .
5 ‘ I read some of the things Jack said about me , and although it is n't exactly something I re-read every night , I suppose I must have been doing something right for him to make these kind comments .
6 All types of a-v , museum , artefact and other stimulus material may be involved , and if it is not immediately available it may have to be purchased , borrowed or created .
7 And if it is not too forward , ch'un tzu , you might call me Marie .
8 If comfort is important to you — and if it is n't now , it almost certainly will be at a later date — anchor pieces like sofas and large armchairs should be the best looking and most comfortable you can pay for and find .
9 I would wait a few weeks to see if it grows or clears up of its own accord and if it is still there , go to the vet .
10 If it is too readily switched off , we become underweight , and if it is too readily switched on , we become overweight .
11 When they are all put together under topic headings the full interview schedule will then tell us how long the interview is likely to take and if it is much too long some pruning can be undertaken at once .
12 Much of the veneer of sediments resting on the oceanic crust of the downgoing plate will not be subducted since it is not firmly attached to the underlying crust and because it is not sufficiently dense to sink of its own accord into the asthenosphere .
13 The reasons for this diversity have been subject to much debate ( section 2.4.2 ) and while it is not yet resolved , the fact remains that such forests house a huge genetic resource that has only been fractionally realised to yield what have ultimately become significant commercial products such as rubber .
14 The payment is said by the respondent not to have been ‘ voluntary ’ but ‘ forced ’ from it within the contemplation of the law … ‘ compulsion ’ in relation to a payment of which refund is sort , and whether it is also variously called ‘ coercion , ’ ‘ extortion , ’ ‘ exaction ’ or ‘ force , ’ includes every species of duress or conduct analogous to duress actual or threatened , exacted by or on behalf of the payee and applied to the person or the property or any right of the person who pays … .
15 However , as terraces are usually degraded and as it is usually extremely difficult to determine their precise limits , a degree of accuracy lower than that required for the long profiles of streams is permissible .
16 While the earliest sources give no clue to the date of Molla Fenari 's appointment to the Muftilik but simply state that he was Mufti , later Turkish tradition has asserted that the Muftilik was created in the time of Murad II ; and as it is almost universally held that Molla Fenari was the first Mufti , his appointment , if the tradition is to be believed , must have occurred after 824/1421 , the year of Murad II 's accession .
17 But where it is n't well known is the people who ought to know , and that 's the pensioners , you know th perhaps er your er parents , people er older than yourselves who are drawing state pension , and er the advertising seems to have gone astray .
18 But although it is not now necessary to visit the long row of sea-front cottages , Shieldaig is far too good to be bypassed .
19 But if it is not thoroughly conscious or if the youngster is not at a mature level of understanding any examination of feeling may be very disturbing for the child .
20 Thinking regarded as internal manipulation of events and ideas does not necessarily depend on language , but if it is not entirely ego orientated , that is not concentrated on the relationship of the person to the scheme of things , then it usually invokes iconic representation .
21 When an Aplysia is tapped on the siphon , it withdraws its siphon and gills into its mantle chamber ; but if it is repeatedly so tapped , it ceases to respond .
22 When you leave , when you marry Ian , I shall try to go it alone , but if it is really too difficult then I 'll get an assistant who , maybe , will become a partner .
23 But because it is beside rather than in the Pyrenees , the Basque Coast has a gentler climate than you might expect , with an average temperature over the whole year of nearly 14° Centigrade — almost as good as you will find in Portugal .
24 The sun also exerts a force on the Earth , but because it is so much further away , its pull is only one quarter of that of the moon .
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