Example sentences of "[coord] [subord] it [was/were] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A patent , once granted , can be revoked if it is subsequently shown to fail to meet the requirements for patentability ; for example , that it was not novel on the priority date or does not have an inventive step , or if it was not granted to the person entitled to it .
2 It is not known if at this stage Sugar was earmarked for preservation , or whether it was simply put into storage along with hundreds of other Lancasters to await their fate .
3 The key question here — and it is not easy to answer — is whether Edinburgh , by employing Women in the period from the 1870s to the 1900s , was attracting more work than it otherwise would have from London and other publishers ; or whether it was merely managing to prevent the work leaving Edinburgh altogether for cheaper printing centres .
4 The discovery of a bird when and where it was least expected can be a magical experience .
5 The building dates back to the early 1800s and although it was partly rebuilt in the early 1900s it still resembles the original design .
6 The Gloucestershire Whigs , for example , drew up an address against those who had " showed respect " to Sacheverell on his progress , and although it was eventually rejected by the grand jury , which was dominated by Tory JPs , a number of subscriptions were procured , especially by the local Nonconformist ministers amongst the " spinners and weavers and other mean people under their teaching " .
7 She had just begun to settle into her neat flat , and although it was n't furnished expensively the few pieces she had were chosen with loving care .
8 He shot a 69 , three-under-par , and although it was n't leading , it did n't change my thinking that he was going to be there at the finish .
9 She was made Head Girl and although it was not acknowledged by anyone in authority , she was already drinking too much .
10 It 's based on the two fingered symbol of peace , and although it was originally designed for lead guitars I eventually scaled it up to use on my basses ; it 's one of the features that makes them instantly recognisable . ’
11 Gossip in Mother Russell 's had it that they 'd made their fortune by some prize , for there were one or two men in Harry Pascoe 's crew who thought they had seen strange goings on close inshore under the Gribbin the previous October ; but these would not be drawn further , and although it was never put into so many words , people came to accept that the source of Harry Pascoe 's wealth was not a safe subject for public discussion .
12 The planning and organisation were inefficient , and although it was supposedly undertaken as a Christian venture , the Byzantine Emperor Manuel Commenus obstructed the crusade whenever possible .
13 In this book , it will be called ‘ offensive conduct , ’ because although the marginal note speaks of ‘ harassment , alarm and distress , ’ and although it was commonly referred to in the Parliamentary debates as the ‘ disorderly conduct ’ clause , this is not the most accurate description .
14 And if it was just exhausted , it was simply a question of postponing his own ploughing and resting it up for a day or two until it had regained its appetite and its strength .
15 And in a lot of marriages the wife 's total responsibility and if it was n't done she is the one responsible .
16 He did n't seem to know what it was himself , but she knew that it could n't be love , and if it was n't love then none of the other possibilities mattered .
17 If , during training , the rat was always released in the same place , and if it was then released in a different one , it could still swim directly to the platform .
18 London became the dominant Eurocurrency centre because the dollar was the dominant currency , and because it was strategically located half way between New York and Tokyo so that dealing could continue round the clock .
19 And because it was never colonised by a European power , it does not even have the conscience of a ‘ mother country ’ to turn to .
20 So , to test their intelligence we decided to show each horse a plate of oats , and while it was still watching to place the food inside the ring of the tire with the empty feed bucket on top .
21 Shortly before the end of the term and while it was still requisitioned it was destroyed by fire .
22 And when it was n't working on the farm a transport on the back and a bag of straw to sit on and it became the family 's personal transport .
23 And when it was not shouting him down as he tried to suggest that the powers of the courts were adequate , the conference heard Mr R. A. Butler pledge himself to a new building programme of short-sharp-shock Detention Centres .
24 The document left many questions unanswered and when it was not endorsed by any major party figure it slid into oblivion .
25 It was easy , however , to discount this evidence at a time when opinion polls were in their infancy , at least so far as credibility was concerned , and when it was universally thought that support would return to Churchill as soon as his formidable oratorical skills were thrown in on one side of the party contest .
26 A traditionally light vase , like the black-figure neck-amphora ( fig. 55 ) was avoided , and when it was later taken into the red-figure repertory the shape was rethought .
27 Gloria wiped the tongs clean with a scrap of paper , twirling them in a circle until they had cooled slightly , then she coiled a strand of Ruth 's hair round the tongs and when it was tightly curled , fixed it in place with two hairpins .
28 Their work laid the foundation for understanding developmental mechanisms and was largely descriptive , carefully recording the changes in the form of the embryo during both normal development and when it was experimentally perturbed .
29 The same chapter in Chronic Diseases highlights this thus ‘ In taking one and the same medicine repeatedly ( which is indispensable to secure the cure of a serious chronic disease ) , if the dose is in every case varied and modified only a little in its degree of dynamization , then the vital force of the patient will calmly , and as it were willingly receive the same medicine even at brief intervals very many times in succession with the best results , every time increasing the well-being of the patient . ’
30 Everybody knew it , they knew it too , but if it were n't told , it could lose its power to injure .
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