Example sentences of "[coord] [subord] we [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 Since the transformations are similar , all the derived matrices B , C , D , … have the same eigenvalues as A ; and if we proceed to the diagonal form , then the chain product X3 … gives the modal matrix X.
2 Now the consequence of the fact that the dollar end of June er relatively strong at around one sixty of course did impinge on er our er borrowings since we do have a considerable percentage of our gross in dollar terms and if we turn to the next slide er we can see er the summary of the balance sheet at thirtieth of June .
3 And if we look to the people to play a more positive role , freely voicing their demands and hopes , their fears and grievances , as well as introducing ideas and initiating policies , it is surely plain that this can only happen in an atmosphere of the greatest possible freedom and openness , from which any taint of intimidatory anxiety or apprehension as to the possible consequences of speaking out is entirely absent .
4 And when we went to the market they did n't have any on as I say , Anna went to and got her gladioli .
5 If reading is complex , so also is writing ; and when we come to the mystery of literary composition , we can scarcely begin to explain the operations of the creative mind which result in a sequence of words on the written page .
6 Conditions stayed favourable and when we got to the headland of Volunteer Point , the small boat was launched and we were ferried ashore with only the odd wet foot resulting from the landing .
7 We saved them in a big tin , and when we got to the theatre and she opened it up they were all stuck together in a fluffy lump — pear-drops , and fruit-gums and licorice torpedoes and polo mints , with bits of hair and silver paper and bus tickets sticking out .
8 And when we got to the other end one of the lads actually walked in and did a waltz into the school with it which the kids thought was great .
9 Later a Canadian will tell me : ‘ It was the worst bus journey of my life and when we get to the Cruz del Condor , people start saying , ‘ Go on then , are n't you going to get out ?
10 On the right of the path Halling field is continued and when we get to the Plough there is a building shown behind the inn and this is most certainly the dwelling that gave this field its old name Burnt House field .
11 We 'd played fairly steady , and as we went to the 11th tee I automatically reached for the driver .
12 However , elation at the beauty of the surroundings meant tandooried legs were far from my thoughts , and as we continued to the shapely Sgurr an Lochain , towering as it does over a tiny dark blue lochan , we agreed it could n't get much better .
13 But if we hold to the idea of democracy as popular power , then it is clear that the concentration of so much power in non-accountable hands , outside the control of elected bodies , is incompatible with democracy .
14 To know God and yet nothing of our own wretched state breeds pride ; to realize our misery and know nothing of God is mere despair ; but if we come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ we find our true equilibrium , for there we find both human misery and God .
15 But before we jump to the conclusion that Pound had simply had a brainstorm , or had been trapped by misplaced compassion for Dunning as a lame duck , we ought to consider another possibility — that imagism , and Pound 's endorsement of Ford 's insistence on ‘ the prose tradition ’ , had never been for him more than an aberration , though in the short term a very profitable one , from a way of feeling that impelled him always toward the cantabile , a proclivity that would , in the interests of melody , tolerate notably eccentric diction .
16 Whether control of these facilities by the CPSU fulfilled this requirement is debatable , but before we jump to the conclusion that we could not have expected anything else from the Soviet system , consider the chequered history of the First Amendment to the United States constitution , which reads inter alia : ‘ congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech . ’
17 But when we got to the studio , the first thing we saw were all these picture frames suspended from the ceiling — we just looked at each other and burst out laughing .
18 But when we turn to the input systems there would seem to be no choice but to use the language of ‘ representations ’ .
19 I wo n't say anything now , but when we come to the recapitulation you 'll know what I am doing , and we 'll see what you do ’ .
20 this happens automatically with a 1×1 rib , but when we come to the 2×2 ribs we have to take steps to make it happen .
21 But when we come to the interpersonal function , we not only have to account for the literary work itself as a discourse between author and reader , but we have to reckon with the phenomenon of " embedded discourse " : the occurrence of discourse within discourse , as when the author reports dialogue between fictional characters .
22 Daph had decided on cream for the walls of the bedroom but when we went to the paint store she discovered that the word cream covered a multitude of shades .
23 But when we came to the Old Town , the Marshal and Sapt moved nearer to my horse , and I could see that they were afraid for me .
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