Example sentences of "[coord] [subord] [noun prp] [verb] his [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Charles was too sensitive for his liking , too intellectual , too philosophical , and although Charles adored his father and has spent a lifetime trying to please him and be as he would like , he has never really succeeded .
2 And if Feargal had his way he 'd probably like to see her head there in its place .
3 My personal life is my own business , and if Adam wants his marriage to survive he should sort it out for himself .
4 Fowler regained his composure and confidence when he broke O'Connor 's serve in the fourth game of the third set and when O'Connor dropped his serve again two games later Fowler , struggling to hold his serve took the title on his fourth match point .
5 He was tall and pale and when Nicholson shook his hand he found it was icy cold .
6 And when Paul had his taxi business .
7 Ranulf stopped his chatter and when Corbett drew his sword so did his companions as a blatant warning to the dark shapes which lurked in the half-open doorways .
8 At that moment the bill arrived , and when Luke handed his card to the waiter , Folly noticed again its platinum colour …
9 And when Hoggart turned his attention to the ‘ juke box boys ’ who were a recognisable strain of early Teds — ‘ boys between fifteen and twenty , with drape-suits , picture ties , and an American slouch ’ — even the slouch was , characteristically , identified as ‘ Americanised ’ and hence ‘ postwar ’ and ‘ un-British ’ , as the boys sipped their milk-shakes and tapped their feet to the music in their milk-bar rendezvous :
10 And as Morse opened his passenger door , he stood for a while looking up at the Pole Star , and asking himself the question he had been asking for the past two hours : was there any way in which Downes could still have been the murderer after all ?
11 And as Stavrogin describes his search after new and ever stronger and more bizarre sensations , and as he laments his boredom , and as suicide is touched on , tracts of Crime and Punishment open up again : but without the astral , feathering humour of America , anatomy , and ordinary ghosts .
12 Because they had both anticipated , not a fight , but a long , hard ride neither of them was wearing a hauberk and as William levelled his lance Richard suddenly saw the danger he was in .
13 And as Bodo made his way back to him he ordered two from the stout waitress who did n't stop and joke with him .
14 He was as tall as his father , and as Benjamin took his namesake into his arms , he felt the strength of him .
15 Sarah Morgan was sounding diffident but resolute , and as Morgan opened his mouth to protest in exasperation the doorbell rang .
16 It was Pontypridd 's first appearance in the final but although Jenkins boosted his tournament score to 60 points with a try and two conversions , the Police were led to victory by much-travelled ex-Wales flanker , Richie Collins .
17 But while Cavalcanti uses his traitor to question the existing social order , Powell-Pressburger's Thomas Colpepper remains the guardian of the best English traditions .
18 But whereas Gilford secured his par 4 , Spence could not birdie to force a tie , and Ames , in going for outright victory , was too aggressive and overshot the green .
19 But when Farrel shook his hand he saw Lowell wince and realised he 'd gripped too hard .
20 But when Hal lowered his tankard and glared at her she halted , uncertain .
21 Her voice trailed away as a fingertip brushed across the tempestuous curve of her lips , but when Luke bent his head he ignored her mouth , his own swooping to the shadowy centre of her chiffon-covered right breast , there to impress a hard , demanding kiss that sent a pang of piercingly erotic sensation shooting to the core of her womanhood .
22 Scott also worked with Ruskin in 1854 , when he added the chancel to the Camden Church at Camberwell , but as Ruskin turned his attention away from architecture he became scornful of Scott 's efforts .
23 But as Jeff dropped his gaze away , Silvia cut in , ‘ Look , I know these lessons are important .
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