Example sentences of "[coord] [det] is [not/n't] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 At any rate from 1571 it might well have been very disadvantageous for anyone in the district to openly profess allegiance to the Popish ways and Roman Catholic miners well might have been driven underground — and that is not fully intended as a pun .
2 ‘ The emphasis for local papers is to produce the paper more cheaply than before and this is not easily done by firms that are self-financed in every respect , ’ said Mr Crichton .
3 The argue that the quality of management and of the business generally are at least as good as the other media majors and this is not yet reflected , according to them , in the price of the shares .
4 Erm it 's a difficult balance , change is very rarely popular and quite often it 's only ever talked about but sometimes it happens and even then it 's not popular but a balanced and open mind is required to approach change but perhaps more important , and this is n't always mentioned , suggestions about change tend to come from rather specific areas and there are rather specific interest groups which may start the process of change
5 ‘ I have the backing of two sponsors , Castrol and Sunday World , but that is n't enough to run a car like my Toyota Celica GT4 on the Circuit of Ireland , ’ says the three-times Dunlop Tarmac champion .
6 Like most below-par beat-'em-ups , Millenium Warriors is better in two-player mode , but this is n't enough to save it .
7 On the plus side , the spells and weapons remain faithful to AD&D and a save game option is provided , but this is n't enough to rescue it .
8 Equal opportunity legislation exists in most advanced countries but this is not yet reflected in equal pay rates .
9 A novel theory about the origin of oil suggests that it is actually a product of the earth 's core , and not of living organisms at all , but this is not widely accepted .
10 The UK operates a system of aids to joint investment schemes for forage groups ( under Article 11 of the LFA Directive ) through ‘ Food from Britain' and includes grant aid of 25% for certain machinery and 15% for tractors but this is not widely used in the UK .
11 It would be natural to assume that this attempt to create a rift between Offa and the papacy occurred before the visit of the legates in 786 and that the visit was part of a process of reconciliation , but this is not wholly justified for Hadrian 's letter could date to the late rather than the mid-780s , and reflect hostility to one or more of a number of Offa 's actions .
12 Among immature Pterygote insects , the gills of mayfly nymphs , the abdominal prolegs if Lepidopteran and Symphytan larvae , the terminal appendages of Trichopteran larvae and the gills of Sialoid larvae have all been regarded as true abdominal appendages ) Snodgrass , 1935 ) , but this is not satisfactorily established ( Pryor , 1951 ) .
13 But this is not enough says International Resource Development , which believes the figure should be more like $10 billion .
14 But this is not enough to deal with the multiple expressions and experiences of subjectivity .
15 But this is not only achieved by force , for there are also ‘ ideological state apparatuses ’ , such as the education system , religion and the family , which maintain the status quo in more subtle ways .
16 Prostitution also is not without danger , but this is not usually cited as an argument for making it illegal .
17 Let us assume that you have reached the point in your synspilums ' development where you are setting up their permanent breeding quarters , probably using a 60″ × 18″ × 18″ tank or larger ; you might just about scrape by with a 48″ , but this is not really recommended .
18 The ingredients are cheaper than solvents but this is not always reflected in the price of finished goods .
19 Dickson suggested a further stage , briefly dipping the stained slide or surface into Alizarin red solution alone , but this is not often needed and indeed may detract from the first stain .
20 But all is not yet lost for Michael McGimpsey , a 44-year-old building contractor , who may now seek nomination in another ward .
21 But all is not yet lost , because I have a plan . ’
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