Example sentences of "[coord] [det] [be] [adv] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 What comes through the screen is the sheer sense of enjoyment of the game and that is why more than 10 million people have watched the programme on Tuesday nights over the past 26 weeks .
2 Thus a car dealer does not obtain the protection and that is so even if he is buying the vehicle for his own private purposes and not for his business purposes , Stevenson v. Beverley Bentinck ( 1976 C.A. ) .
3 And that is quite simply that I of course need to read all of these documents .
4 I think the approach of parents is very often really quite a simple one erm that they have a number of very well defined expectations of the school and that is as far as one individual parent is concerned , that the parents wants the child to go to the school , he wants that child properly controlled , provided that it 's done in the way in which he particularly approves , and if you have fifteen hundred different parents there might be fourteen hundred and eighty five different techniques at work here , and then he wants the child simultaneously to be successful and happy .
5 And that 's not just because you 're no great beauty . ’
6 ‘ My supplies come by van and that 's only once or twice a month . ’
7 Can I just mention that nobody 's read that but you 'll see the last sentence says that whatever you put on that tape the dictionary keep the copyright you see and that 's all right when you 're on conversations , but if you were to read in an and it was a short story , if that 's you know i if they reserve
8 Er I ca n't remember I was n't with them but we , we were in a spot and erm some of the tanks were away down there and some were up here and we , the next move we went to .
9 we go on hoping and fighting and imagining , despite whatever goes wrong with anybody but the Tory Party is diverting itself with internal feuds and in focusing attention on whether Mr Major will remain Prime Minister or not and this is presumably so that they may ignore the real issues of how to the get the country onto some shared basis of consensus , trust and pragmatic politics which would give our society a chance of facing up to questions of economics , politics , pollution and living together in community in the sort of world we 've actually got .
10 All you need to do is to collect the thorns yourself the day before your own net is set — and this is easy enough since you know precisely where they are .
11 The counsellor needs to be aware of the wishes and expectations of both old and young alike about the nature of the caring role within the family , and this is particularly so when families live separately .
12 Legal issues , like other technical problems , can only be properly understood within their broader social context , and this is especially so when our purpose is not only to understand the world , but to change it . ’
13 In contrast , unrestricted-use credit is where the debtor has the control over the application of the loan , and this is so even if it is a term of the loan contract that he must apply the money to a specified purpose ( CCA 1974 , s.11(3) ) .
14 Now erm I suppose more recently coming up the present , coming away from nineteenth century Vienna into erm I suppose really I suppose the nineteen seventies , nineteen eighties , people became much more interested in the issue of child sex abuse again and this was n't really because of any great developments in clinical psychology or psychiatry .
15 And this was not simply because she wished to be above reproach : it was also because , nearing her time , she found the eight-year-old boy exhausting .
16 Examining the effects of histology , histological type , the early mortality patient with benign was point three percent and this was significantly less than the early mortality for those patients who had prostate cancer , which was two point nine percent , almost ten times greater .
17 Yet had the visitors been England or Australia he may well not have been able to resist the temptation , and this was only partly because they were the leading lights in world cricket ; there was also the racial aspect , in that he passionately wanted to prove that a team of black players led by a black captain was the equal of , if not better than , the white teams .
18 The numbers were vast and this was very largely because the movies were not just appealing to sections of the masses but to the masses in general .
19 but that 's not just because somebody was away for their dinner , it 's , if that person was back from their dinner
20 But that 's not all because all the books we offer will be cheaper than the publishers ' prices — with savings of up to 40% off the books we offer you .
21 But that 's not there because of various actions by the European Community .
22 Well , I think I do too but that 's neither here nor there . ’
23 " Topaz Chilcott , but that 's neither here nor there . "
24 In this case they do n't , but that 's neither here nor there .
25 Erm I have been a bit hoarse lately but that 's neither here nor there .
26 Yeah , but that 's neither here nor there !
27 But that 's probably more than a lot of people did , and everyone 's being urged to use condoms , but how many people are actually given any instruction on how to use them ?
28 Celebrities are much less likely to die from heart attack or stroke , but that is probably only because they die young in other ways .
29 Hidden by her handmaids she is seen to blush , then turns to Actaeon and throws water in his face to blind him , to stop him seeing her naked , but that is not enough and she knows it is not enough , and soon he feels the horns growing on his forehead , dat sparso capiti vivacis cornus cervis , she caused to grow on his head the horns of the long-lived stag , as if the cost of seeing her naked had to be death , first metamorphosis then death .
30 A man who keeps pigs too near his neighbour 's house commits a nuisance , but that is not solely because they are pigs .
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