Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] over [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 After 1998 , these figures start being ‘ phased down ’ by ½ per cent a year , so that anyone retiring after the year 2008 gets only 20 per cent ( one fifth ) of their relevant earnings , after they have been revalued and averaged over the whole of the working life .
2 Satisfied he was at least decently dressed , Seb raised his head cautiously and peered over the edge of the hollow .
3 Dyson swung left into a main road , looking over his shoulder to watch out for traffic from the right , and drove over the edge of the kerb .
4 Philippa 's hand jerked forward anxiously and knocked over the bottle of varnish remover .
5 The rest of the time he caught snapper or conch or lobster , and brooded over the souls of his ramshackle family ; each of whom was named for a different book in the Bible .
6 At last Mr Hardiman took off his spectacles , produced a white silk handkerchief , and proceeded to polish the lenses ; when that was done , he replaced them upon his nose , and looked over the top of them again .
7 Mr Bennet put one finger at the side of his nose and looked over the top of his glasses .
8 Reaching it she climbed a few rungs and looked over the heads of the people and the cockpit where a double ring of candles hung low on iron chains from the rafters , spreading a brilliant pool of light .
9 He staggered back , slipped and fell over the edge of the roof .
10 He kept rolling , still hanging on to his weapons , and fell over the front of the Jeep and on to the pavement outside .
11 Annette stared but took it silently while George clanked and prattled over the tray of bottles .
12 I stumbled , fell and rolled over the edge of it .
13 I persuaded a friend of mine to visit the summit one evening and he was so taken in by the view that he stepped back from the trig point and disappeared over the edge of the crag that crowns the top .
14 There was a swish of skis and a figure came hurtling past the hut , executed a brilliant turn in a flurry of snow and disappeared over the shoulder of the mountain .
15 But as it came closer there was no mistaking the great leafy bird which flew across the road and disappeared over the top of the hill .
16 Either you consider that the County Farms are playing a role set down by law and supported over the years of an , which no other authority and no other body in the country can provide , and which is a socially valuable role , and that is to provide the first step in farming , and clearly they do .
17 Americans rejoiced in white heavyweight boxer , Jess Willard 's victory over black Jack Johnson in Havana , but raged over the sinking of the Lusitania by a German submarine .
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