Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [verb] her [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The United States broke the unofficial cartel with Canada and tried to shoulder her out of markets .
2 She glared at him , then scanned the road for anyone who might offer help if he turned nasty and tried to force her back inside the car , but , apart from an elderly woman walking an equally elderly terrier along the opposite pavement , the road was deserted .
3 So I went there and cornered her in the canteen and tried to chat her up for half an hour .
4 Then there was William Henry 's wife Mary , and his niece , Mary Hannah , who unfortunately lost both parents when she was young and came to make her home with them .
5 I pulled her to the side where Otley dragged her up the bank and began to dust her down as if she were not wet but dirty .
6 But even as she protested , he gripped her upper arm and began hauling her unceremoniously from the bed .
7 Then he bent down and began to roll her up in the hearth rug .
8 She was at senior school by this time , of course , and the senior mistress sent for her , sat her down and began to question her kindly about conditions at home .
9 My head got stuck up there so I lifted her up in the hair and started swinging her around in my head .
10 I am reading an extraordinary book about a man who was ‘ given away ’ by his mother at 2 weeks old , and managed to find her again in his thirties .
11 He had been eight days at the wheel of the destroyer , and had brought her back from Greenland by ‘ Boxing the compass ’ and his father , HMS Reading 's senior officer , now more than middle-aged , had been put out of action by the rigours of the journey from Liverpool to America , and had had to hand over to Arthur when about two days out of St John 's heading for Iceland .
12 Finally , he had felt sick at his behaviour and had dropped her off at her home with a feeling of relief that she was not the clinging type and perhaps he could avoid her in future .
13 In that case the defendant had made her home with a tenant of a private sector house for three years and continued to make her home with the tenant when he was granted a secure tenancy of a council house .
14 I must have been jealous of her life away from me , and wished to have her entirely to myself .
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