Example sentences of "[coord] [v-ing] [prep] [noun] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Or dealing with suppliers that ignore requests for raw materials .
2 5.22 Defective premises To give notice to the Landlord of any defect in the Premises which might give rise to an obligation on the Landlord to do or refrain from doing any act or thing in order to comply with the provisions of this Lease or the duty of care imposed on the Landlord pursuant to the Defective Premises Act 1972 or otherwise and at all times to display and maintain all notices which the Landlord may from time to time [ reasonably ] require to be displayed at the Premises The difficulty here is that this covenant could impose an unfair obligation on the tenant and it should therefore be amended as follows : To give notice to the Landlord upon becoming aware of any defect … 5.23 New guarantor Within [ 14 ] days of the death during the Term of any Guarantor or of such person becoming bankrupt or having a receiving order made against him or having a receiver appointed under the Mental Health Act 1983 or being a company passing a resolution to wind up or entering into liquidation or having a receiver appointed to give notice of this to the Landlord and if so required by the Landlord at the expense of the Tenant within [ 28 ] days to procure some other person acceptable to the Landlord [ such acceptance not to be unreasonably withheld ] to execute a guarantee in respect of the Tenant 's obligations contained in this Lease in the form of the Guarantor 's covenants contained in this Lease Although this may be perfectly fair and reasonable in that a guarantor 's covenants are expected to last during the period for which they are given , many tenants try to resist this covenant on the basis that it may be extremely difficult for the tenant to produce an alternative guarantor .
3 But it seems that that is n't what 's being taught , and therefore , in information about that comes , well either via your own experience or talking with friends or reading womens ' magazines or I mean whe , where do we actually get our education from ?
4 She longed to be close to her mother , or talking to Louise or cycling up the drive towards the grim yews of Seaton Cramer Hall and the warm welcome of Miss Hatherby .
5 As Hodder and Riggs ( 1985 ) say , in response to Hayes and Garvin , the fault , if any , in US business lies with the way the DCF technique is often based on inadequate data ( i.e. inadequate consideration of the factors affecting cash flows ) or incorrectly applied ( i.e. incorrectly using discount rates , or adjusting for inflation as discussed in chapter 1 ) .
6 First , it is to assist people to resolve their disputes as easily as possible and , secondly , it should enable the making or declaring of law that applies in those disputes .
7 They need oiling and flouring for cakes and soaking for jellies .
8 Hon. Members will have an opportunity to debate the Bill , but , whatever happens , it is far better to have a system that is more accountable to local people and that will , we hope , put an end to some of the ridiculous mismanagement , inefficiency and wasting of money that has gone on for far too long .
9 And I think that since feminism involves a belief in women 's equality and of women organising and struggling on issues that affect our lives , that the emphasis will vary depending on where we are .
10 There were ways of treating prisoners properly , and of recognising that they had certain claims upon their captors ; there were also rules about the taking , sharing , and disposing of booty and pillage ; there were signs of formal war , such as the unfurling of banners or the setting off of a cannon at the start of a siege , which informed all those present that a certain legal situation now existed , hostilities having been formally declared .
11 It stepped slowly towards Tallis , crouched with much rustling and snapping of sinews and reached a long , tapering twig-finger to touch her hand .
12 The river was fast-flowing , crystal-clear and swarming with catfish and barbel ; we had plenty of hooks and line and caught sixty in one day .
13 Well she 's jumping up and down , she 's screaming and laughing and shouting at people and hollering oh .
14 So I compiled a booklet entitled Rubbing Along in Burmese , adapting the pronunciation as closely as possible to English and dispensing with niceties that involved training in phonetics .
15 Based on this knowledge and looking at charts that plot the timing of stages , it is no surprise that the average Japanese project seems to exercise a higher degree of overlap between product engineering and process engineering than is true in the US and Europe .
16 I can remember being in Australia and looking through magazines and seeing the names of the photographers who are now doing my shoots and thinking : ‘ Oh wow ! ’
17 Cook under a hot grill for 7 minutes , turning once and brushing with marinade until browned .
18 Attempts to provoke adverse judgements on canonical works tend to be resented as ‘ finding fault with ’ or ‘ picking holes in ’ these works of established merit , the result of a tiresome foible on the part of the teacher , and leading to disorientation if persisted in .
19 But true to form , the new season saw him in familiar mood , darting into dangerous positions and scoring with ease as relegated West Ham tried to regain their aristocratic status .
20 On their way to the Lion d'Or , where they were to meet Jack , Iris and Melissa passed old women knitting and gossiping in doorways or leaning out of windows , young women sauntering along with babies in perambulators , and leather-clad youths astride shiny motorbikes parked at the kerbside while they chatted up their mini-skirted girls .
21 Well I , I I , I do n't mind how it 's done but erm I hear nothing on the many people on , you know , who talk about erm giving aid erm a dread from this problem is this vast erm amount of the G M P and going on armaments and going on one way and another .
22 I was really enjoying my new status as a mother and being at home and caring for Danielle and watching her grow and learn was all I wanted to do for the rest of my life .
23 Solid as a bull whale in his confidence and peering through eyes that suggest he is not lacking in a little magic himself , Hugh Smith calmly rebuts every argument that London is in decline .
24 It would be better to concentrate on finding a way into the Workshops and getting to Nuadu and bringing him out .
25 Naturally , apart from the accusation of hypocrisy and of letting Britain solve its marriage problems , the government ends up being accused of allowing divorce for the wealthy and none for the poor , as the cost of going to and staying in Britain and paying for the legal procedures is beyond the pockets of the majority .
26 The exact title though is only important in one respect , namely in convincing staff of the desirability of having some way of judging and commenting upon performance and gaining their acceptance and co-operation .
27 Top , mandible with destruction of the ascending ramus and abundant algal growth along the inferior border of the mandible ; middle right , premaxilla with decay and splitting of bone and splitting of incisors ; middle left , a second premaxilla with more advanced decay leading to destruction of the bone surface ; bottom left , the same specimen showing loss of alveolar bone ; bottom right , palate showing loss of angles of teeth , chipping and breakage of the molars .
28 Nicholson was also preparing another project from which he hoped he would emerge as a recognized director , and again it was in part an overhang from that period in 1968 when he seriously considered giving up acting , and moving into writing and directing .
29 He was as cranky as a bad-tempered goat , always putting his head down and charging into things that annoyed him .
30 We just prowled around the halls at RCA at the time , going in any doors that were open and asking for things and demanding things .
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