Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] that it be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , it would appear that the difference is that the latter sentence expresses my belief that I have the belief that it is raining , and says that I have the belief that it is raining , and does not express the belief that it is raining or say that it is raining .
2 I 'd like to move a petition containing seven hundred and twelve signatures , residents of Broadstone who request the installation of a pedestrian crossing on Broadstone Lane , bottom end of Shakespeare Drive and propose that it is passed on to the environment committee for consideration .
3 The job is what the individual makes it , and the onus is on the clinical teacher to explain her role and ensure that it is recognised by all .
4 Prepare the equipment for the patient 's return and ensure that it is functioning correctly .
5 If the Development Manager considers the change proposed has little or no impact on functionality , cost , or timescale when he should allow the incorporation of the change into the design and ensure that it is described in the design documentation .
6 The statute may impose a duty on an employer to provide safety equipment and ensure that it is used .
7 Be able to recognise that weight is a force , and know that it is measured in newtons .
8 According to Richard Feigen , ‘ It does the art dealing profession a lot of harm if they are perceived as traffickers of stolen merchandise … dealers have to be able to stand behind what they represent , and know that it was bought legally otherwise you lose your client 's trust ’ .
9 2 Corporate commitment and planning : TQM requires a particular kind of strategic leadership which can provide the vision and commitment , plan for change and see that it is implemented ( Peters and Austin 1985 ) .
10 He said he was going to and see that it was done
11 He would ask young Alex for the ring , and see that it was put well on Mary 's finger , he would wish them to be happy and fruitful and true to one another and that nothing would ever part them .
12 Confronted with a problem he would reduce it to its essentials , get on with producing a solution , and see that it was put into effect .
13 The rules mean that police would have to take control of the computer as soon as possible after the offence and establish that it was working properly at all times .
14 If you are likely to visit the Bridgnorth area it will be well worth your while to see it , but note that it is located a couple of miles outside the town , and a telephone call is necessary to find our when it is open , since Philip 's work involves awkward shifts .
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