Example sentences of "[coord] [vb base] [art] [noun] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 The event had been going through a lean period and had degenerated into a glorified booze-up , but there were some who were interested in keeping it alive and they got together to decide if they were going to let it go or make an effort to put it on its feet again .
2 Biomorphs readily replicate in the environment provided by a suitably written computer program , but they ca n't write their own program or build a computer to run it .
3 With anomalies , you either go into the history of the word , or advise the learner to memorise it by finding a mnemonic .
4 Treasury ministers must either submit to this doctrine or find the way to rewrite it .
5 You may take responsibility for your own medication or ask the staff to manage it .
6 If the workers fail to perform , the supervisor will guarantee to do the job himself or assist the workers to do it .
7 And bring a knife to cut it with . ’
8 To build it on the site between East Hanney and Steventon , Thames Water would have to buy up 4 farms and 16 houses , divert the road between the two villages , landscape the area around the water and build a tunnel connecting it to the Thames .
9 A mob of townsfolk boarded a ship loaded with corn and cut the rigging to prevent it sailing , so that the magistrates felt obliged to call in troops from Plymouth to quell the mob .
10 ‘ We 've been working on the show since Christmas and hope the audiences enjoy it as much as we do , ’ said Vivien .
11 and let every muscle let it relax .
12 Massage shampoo well into the roots where grease accumulates and attracts dirt , and let the lather work it own way outwards .
13 Why not take it down to the firm 's office and let the experts see it for themselves ?
14 Others will ignore the problem and let the children sort it out themselves .
15 ‘ Eat what you want and let the food fight it out inside ’ — Mark Twain
16 Attracted by its unusual colour and shape the beachcomber picked it up .
17 Er as far as out-sourcing is concerned , when we learned that there could be two thousand jobs lost or out-sourced from British Aerospace , it was my opinion in line with those of our representatives that we ought to convene a meeting immediately of all shop stewards and representatives who would be covered er through those discussions and arrange and organize a strategy to oppose it .
18 Now add the descaling liquid to the feed and expansion tank as per the maker 's instructions , and run the pump to circulate it thoroughly round the boiler and the system pipework .
19 ‘ Either we wash our hands of the country and allow the Communists to overrun it ; or to continue to pour treasure ( and perhaps eventually lives ) into a hopeless cause … at a cost of alienating vital segments of Asian public opinion . ’
20 In this section we visit each Occam construct in turn , and uncover the laws governing it .
21 It may take time and courage to decide what you want and find the confidence to carry it through .
22 ( Sometimes you can write the word on a blackboard , and ask the child to rub it out by tracing over the letters with his finger . )
23 First nominate your target and turn the gun to face it as you would a cannon .
24 Rather , they express some ‘ attitude ’ of the speaker , such as some ultimate preference about how we should behave or society be organized , and invite the hearer to adopt it too .
25 They set up the mills to husk the rice and charter the ships to transport it to the best markets — then sit back .
26 Well the standpipe used to freeze up and er when that occurred the grown men in the house used to light a fire round the standpipes , of course it was cast iron it was n't copper or anything like that , and light a fire to thaw it out , I do n't remember ever being without water but we used , it was a bit primitive but burn newspaper and stuff round the standpipe and er the old as I say we used to , the water for the washing we used to pump into the sink and er fill the old dolly tub with water for the washing and use the rainwater for washing .
27 The " good " parent , for the parent , knows what is best for the child and is able both to bring this about and help the child to see it as good .
28 If that is the ‘ professionalism ’ you refer to , sir , I do n't much care for it and have no wish to acquire it . ’
29 Sure enough they charge the dragon and have no trouble decapitating it , time after time .
30 I 'd like you to take a sample of the polish from Dr Darnell 's fingernails , and have the lab match it against the flake you found . ’
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